Lectotypification of three species of Silene sect. Italicae (Rohrb.) Schischk. (Caryophyllaceae) Author Pierre-Emmanuel Du Pasquier Author Daniel Jeanmonod text Candollea 2016 2016-03-14 71 1 19 22 journal article 10.15553/c2016v711a4 70bb6699-8eba-4045-8be5-f474929540f5 2235-3658 162047 Silene splendens Boiss., Fl. Orient. 1: 631. 1867. Lectotypus (designated here): Turkey . Prov. Phrygia : Ouchak , 15.VII.1857 , Fl., Balansa 1312 ( G-BOIS [ G00330605 Fl. material]! ; isolecto- : BM [ BM000578616 ] image seen, G [ G00226582 ]!, JE [ JE00015717 ] image seen, K [ K000442511 ] image seen, MPU [ MPU 021862 ] image seen, P [ P05437211 , P05437212 , P05437213 ]!, US [ US00289354 ] image seen , W [ W1889-0016866 ]!, Z [ ZT00036389 ]!) ( Fig. 3 ) . Syntypus : Turkey . Prov. Phrygia : Ouchak , 17.VIII.1857 , F r., Balansa 1312 ( G-BOIS [ G00330605 Fr. material]!; isosyn- : G [ G00226583 ]!, JE [ JE00015716 ] image seen, P [ P05437210 ]!). Notes – A single collection was designated by Boissier (1867) in the protologue oF S. splendens (Balansa 1312) . This collection clearly corresponds to two gatherings, one (in flowers) collected on July 15 and a second (in Fruits) on August 17 ( Fig. 3 ). Ŋese two gatherings have been widely distributed with a single label indicating both flowering and Fruiting dates. We consider that the most complete material is in flower and thereFore designate the specimen mounted on the leFt oF the First sheet at G-BOIS as the lectotype ( Fig. 3 ). CareFul studies oF all material available allow separating the two gatherings in the relevant herbaria where the Fruiting material is designated as remaining syntypes .