Order Carnivora Author W. Christopher Wozencraft text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 279 348 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7359191 1-56098-217-9 7359191 Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) . Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1:41 . TYPE LOCALITY: "Indiis", fixed by Thomas (1911a:135) , as " Egypt "; see discussion by Pocock (1930a) . DISTRIBUTION: Afghanistan , Algeria , Angola , Arabia, Botswana , Burma , Cameroon , Central African Republic , Chad , China , Congo , Egypt , Ethiopia , Gabon , Guinea-Bissau , India , Indonesia ( Java ), Iran , Iraq , Kenya , Korea , Liberia , Laos , Malawi , Malaysia , Mauritania , Morocco , Mozambique , Namibia , Nepal , Niger , Nigeria , Pakistan , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Somalia , South Africa , Sri Lanka , Sudan , Tanzania , Thailand , Tunisia , Turkey , Uganda , republics of the former USSR, Vietnam , Zaire , Zambia , and Zimbabwe . STATUS: CITES - Appendix I; U.S. ESA - Endangered (except in Africa, in the wild, south of, and including Gabon , Congo , Zaire , Uganda , and Kenya , where this species is Threatened). IUCN - Threatened. SYNONYMS: adersi Pocock, 1932; adusta Pocock, 1927; antinorii de Beaux, 1923; antiquorum Fitzinger, 1868 ; barbarus de Blainville, 1839; bedfordi Pocock, 1930; brockmani Pocock, 1932 ; centralis Lönnberg, 1917; chinensis Gray, 1867 ; chui Heller, 1913; ciscaucasicus Satunin, 1914 ; delacouri Pocock, 1930; fontanierii A.. M. Edwards, 1867; fortis Heller, 1913; fusca Meyer, 1794 ; grayi Trouessart, 1904; hanensis Matschie, 1907 ; iturensis J. A. Allen, 1924 ; japonensis Gray, 1862 ; jarvisi Pocock, 1932; kotiya Deraniyagala, 1956; leopardus Schreber, 1777 ; longicaudata Valenciennes, 1856 ; melanotica Günther, 1885; mêlas G. Cuvier, 1809; miliardi Pocock, 1930; minor Matschie, 1895 ; nanopardus Thomas, 1904; niger Fitzinger, 1868; nimr Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1833; orientalis Schlegel, 1857 ; palearia Cuvier, 1832; perniger Hodgson, 1863 ; poecilura Valenciennes, 1856 ; poliopardus Brehm, 1863 ; puella Pocock, 1932; reichenowi Cabrera, 1918; ruwenzorii Camerano, 1906; saxicolor Pocock, 1927; shortridgei Pocock, 1932; sindica Pocock, 1930; suahelicus Neumann, 1900; tulliana Valenciennes, 1856 ; variegata Wagner, 1841 ; varius Gray, 1843 ; villosa Bonhote, 1903 ; vulgaris Oken, 1816 . COMMENTS: Revised by Pocock (1930a , 6, 1932c). Placed in Panthera by Pocock (1930a) , Weigel (1961) , Hemmer (1978) , Kratochvil (1982c) , and Groves (1982a) .