Paulianesthes fouquei sp. nov., the second species of the endemic genus from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Tentyriini) Author Schawaller, Wolfgang ) &) Museum of Natural History, Rosenstein 1, D- 70191 Stuttgart, Germany; e-mail: schawaller. ehrenamt @ smns-bw. de Author Fricke, Roman ) &) Philipps University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Animal Ecology, Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 8, D- 35043 Marburg, Germany; e-mail: roman. fricke @ biologie. uni-marburg. de text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2017-12-31 57 2 345 349 journal article 4647 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0080 67420812-8c80-46fa-892c-a4ba6d5af42a 0374-1036 5318771 F50506F6-89F6-47F6-8F4F-604B5EB7536F Paulianesthes amplipennis Koch, 1962 ( Fig. 1 ) Type material examined. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘SW Madagascar , Lac de Vintany , Itampola , v.1951 ’ ( TMSA ) . PARATYPE : (labelled as allotype ), SW Madagascar , Ampanihy Distr., Itampolo, i.1956 , leg. C. Koch ( TMSA ). Additional material examined. SW MADAGASCAR : AMBOVOMBE DISTR .: Marovato, i.1956 , 1 ♀ , C. Koch leg. ( TMSA ) (identification doubtful). Remarks. KOCH (1962) mentioned, that the aedeagus of P. amplipennis is almost identical with that of Rhomaleus scauroides Chatanay, 1915 , but did not describe or figure it. Unfortunately, the aedegus is missing in the holotype . The antennae are broken in the holotype but described and figured by the author.