A revision of the lotic genus Potamyia BANKS 1900 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) with the description of eight new species Author Oláh, J. Author P. C Author Malicky, H. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2006 2006-07-21 38 1 739 777 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5433978 0253-116X 5433978 Potamyia chinensis (ULMER) (Figs 21, 22) Hydropsyche chinensis ULMER 1915: 47-48 . Syntypes , China : Peking and Honanfu, 1913 (Schoede, Müller) (MNHU, not examined). Cheumatopsyche chinensis (ULMER) ; MARTYNOV 1934: 283 . Hydropsyche echigoensis TSUDA 1949: 21-22 . Syntypes , Japan : Niigata Prov. , 1948 (lost). Syn.n. Cheumatopsyche tienmuiaca SCHMID 1965: 145 . Holotype , China : Prov. Chekiang, West Tien- mu-shan, 7 August 1932 (Höne) (MAK, examined). Syn.n. Potamyia chinensis (ULMER) ; TIAN & LI 1987: 128. N e w r e c o r d s: 6, Vietnam . Moc Chau, 26 October 1986 , at light (Oláh) ( Fig. 22 ). 1: Vietnam , Hoabinh toward Dabac, 21 October 1986 , at light (Oláh); 1: Vietnam , Hoabinh Hotel, 23 October 1986 , at light (Oláh); 7: Vietnam , Bac Thai Province, Quang Chu, 24-25 May 1987 , at light (Oláh). Antennae 1.5 times length of forewing. In forewing crossveins Cu1-Cu2 and M3+4- Cu1 touching. In hindwing veins M and Cu1 almost touching; fork 1 present. Spur formula 144. This widely distributed species is found from South China and Japan as far north as Amur ( MARTYNOV 1934 ). On Vietnamese specimens the ninth segment is longer, especially ventrally, the tenth tergum is not compressed midway, the dorsum of the phallotheca is concave. and the endothecal process is larger, covering the entire end. Although the types of echiogensis TSUDA are lost (Tanida, in litt.) it is clear from the original description. and from an examination of Japanese specimens, that it is a synonym of chinensis , as this is the only species known from Japan .