Synopsis of the Cicadidae of Ecuador Author Goding, Frederic W. text Revista del Colegio National Vicente Rocafuerte 1925 1925-06-30 7 1 34 journal article 284059 10.5281/zenodo.10461163 2acb2312-34b6-49bb-a187-f09c974bb085 10461163 Fidicina glaucus , n. sp. Pale pea-green, more or less mottled with pale yellow, immaculate except front tarsi and all claws which are piceous. Head about as wide as base of mesonotum; eyes not stylate; front not prominent, with longitudinal sulcus not reaching apex; vertex with scveral longitudinal impressions, one central; ocelli pale red, three times farther from eyes than between themselves; face not prominent, deeply and broadly sulcate, and broad ­ ly sulcate above and below, shallower at middle; clypeus tectiform; beak reaching posterior coxae. 1. Majeorona ethelae Godg. , n. sp. 2. Majeorona ecuatoriana Godg. , n. sp. 3. Carineta ecuatoriana Godg. , n. sp. 4. Carineta basalis Walk. 5 Majeorona truncata Godg. , n. sp. 6. Pac h ypsaltria camposi Godg. , n. sp. 7. Fidicina glaucus Godg. , n. sp. 8. Carineta crumena Godg. 9. Orellana pulla Godg. , n. sp. 10. Novemcella ecuatoriana Godg. , n. sp. Pronotum green, mottled with pale yellow, hind band a little sinuate, angles broadly rounded. Mesonotum pale green, posterior border deeply and triangularly excava ­ ted, the angles rounded. Abdomen pale green, the three first segments with edges darker. Tegmina greenish hya ­ line, veins dark green, three times longer than broad; cos ­ ta yellowish, first transverse vein upright, second oblique, second apical,cell nearly twothirds length of first. Wings with veins entirely green, a dark spot on middle of front border; bases of both tegmina and wings, with basal cells, opaque green. Below, chest and legs green, with darker green marks, front femora with two strong teeth and another small one near apex; opercula of male rather large, distant, borders rounded, dark green, not fully covering cavities; last abdominal segment oval, apex obtuse, with a num ­ ber of transverse carinae; subgenital plate long, conical, apex obtusely rounded. It does not resemble any other known species. Long. corp. 30; lat. 13; exp. tegm. 100 m. m. Hab:- Macas , Ecuador (Bernal).