The genus Cephaloleia Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae)
Staines, Charles L.
Garcia-Robledo, Carlos
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae
Cephaloleia histrionica Baly, 1885
Fig. 159
Cephaloleia histrionica
Baly 1885
: 15.
Blackwelder 1946
: 719 (catalog);
Papp 1953
: 17 (catalog);
Uhmann 1957a
: 20 (catalog);
Wilcox 1983
: 137 (catalog);
Staines 1996
: 38 (Central America species),
: 49 (faunal list);
Staines and Staines 1997
: 10 (types),
: 524 (Baly species list);
Flowers and Hanson 2003
: 51 (distribution);
McKenna and Farrell 2005
: 119 (phylogeny),
: 10949 (phylogeny);
et al. 2013b
: 190 (larva);
Schmitt and Frank 2013
: 58 (biology).
Cephalolia histrionica
Donckier 1899
: 549 (catalog);
Weise 1911a
: 8 (catalog),
: 12 (catalog).
Elongate; subparallel; subconvex; head, antennae, and scutellum black; pronotum yellow with large black basal trapezoidal macula from basal margin covering posterior ⅔ of disc; elytra yellowish with reddish humerus and black sutural and lateral vittae, sutural vitta widest at base, narrowed posteriorly, lateral vittae begin behind humerus then converge and narrow toward suture; venter with pro-, meso-, and metasterna reddish-brown medially, darker laterally; leg yellowish with femur and tibia with dark area at apices. Head: vertex densely punctate, medial sulcus absent; frons with adpressed yellowish setae, not projecting; not depressed between eyes. Antenna: reaches to humerus; slender; antennomeres 1 and 3 subequal in length; 2 shorter than 1 or 3; 1 elongate, clavate; 2 transverse; 3-10 elongate, cylindrical, decreasing in length; 11 2
length of 10, rounded at apex; 1-3 punctate with scattered setae; 3-11 setose. Pronotum: transverse; lateral margin straight then slightly converging to anterior angle, margined; anterior angle subacute, slightly produced; posterior angle acute; anterior margin emarginate behind head; disc flattened, irregularly punctate, rest nearly impunctate; basal impression absent; pronotal length 1.0-1.1 mm; pronotal width 1.4-1.6 mm. Scutellum: broadly triangular; impunctate. Elytron: lateral margin straight, smooth, margined; apex obtusely rounded; sutural angle without tooth; humerus angulate, slightly produced; slightly constricted behind humerus; declivity beginning just behind humerus along puncture row 7 with weak carina; moderately punctate-striate, punctures smaller on disc; puncture row 10 removed from lateral margin; rows converge and unite apically; elytral length 4.0-4.4 mm; elytral width 2.3-2.4 mm. Venter: pro-, meso-, and metasterna impunctate medially, punctate laterally; abdominal sterna punctate, each puncture with pale seta; suture between sterna 1 and 2 complete; last sternite with apical margin u-shaped in male, slightly acuminate in female. Leg: slender; coxae punctate; tibia with fringe of setae on inner margin of apex. Total length: 5.4-5.9 mm.
This species is similar to
Cephaloleia fenestrata
Cephaloleia reventazonica
. It can be distinguished by the suture between abdominal sterna 1 and 2 being complete, by the impunctate disc of the pronotum, by the elytral punctures being larger on the disc, and by puncture row 10 being removed from the lateral margin.
Preliminary analysis of the CO1 gene indicates that cryptic species may be present under the current application of this species name. further work is needed to resolve this question.
Host plant.
Pitcairnia arcuata
) (
et al. 2013b
Calathea lutea
Schult. (
Heliconia imbricata
Heliconia latispatha
Benth. (
) (
Schmitt and Frank 2013
sp (
Color when live white becoming translucent laterally and apically. Color when dead yellowish-brown. Pronotum without raised central area; micropustulate; with pale setae along lateral and apical margins. Mesonotum without raised central area or carina or sulcus; micropustulate; laterally with numerous shallow sulci on expansion. Metanotum with central portion micropustulate; without carina or sulcus. Abdominal tergites 1-6 slightly narrowed in middle; with carina laterally; spiracle near basal margin; each spiracle appears as spot with darker margin and surrounded
short lanceolate setae. Abdominal tergites 7-10 without surface plicae or carinae. Venter: surface if expansions sulcate near body, smooth laterally. Head with surface sparsely punctate; labrum smooth, without setae; clypeus with fringe of setae at apex; mandibles tridentate; maxillary palps with two palpomeres, with setae at apex; maxilla robust, clavate, with fringe of long setae at apex; labium densely setose. Antenna with antennomere 1 short,
length of 2; 2 cylindrical, longer than 1 and 3 combined; 3 shortest, with ring of setae at apex. Prosternum shorter than others, wider than long, slightly depressed in middle; surface rugose-striate. Meso- and metasterna wider than long, slightly depressed in middle, surface rugose-striate. Abdominal sternites 1-8 wider than long, decreasing in width; with transverse sulcus just beyond middle and second transverse sulcus near apex; sterna 9-10 fused, rounded at apex. Leg with femur wider and longer than tibiotarsus; tibiotarsus subconical, with robust claw and six setae at apex. Total length 4.6 mm; width 3.8 mm (n=1).
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama.
Type material examined.
Syntype: Bugaba, Panama, Champion [printed label]/ Paratipo [handwritten red label]/ F. Monros Collection 1959 [printed label]/ Cephaloleia histrionica Baly, J. S. Baly det. [handwritten pink label] (USNM, 1).
Specimens examined.
COSTA RICA: Alajuela- 8 km N Vara Blanca,
Poas, 1500 m, 11 May 1985 (EMEC). Heredia- Chilamate, 24-30 July 1993 (BYUC); Rara Avis Biological Station, 25 November 2011 (USNM). Puntarenas- Coto Brus, Las Cruces Biological Station, 3 March 2012 (USNM); Golfito, July 1981 (FSCA); Monteverde Cloud For., 27-31 May 1984 (EGRC); Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa, 200 m, October 1991 (INBIO); Quepos, 80 m, P. N. Manuel Antonio, April 1991 (INBIO); Osa Peninsula, 5.0 mi SW
, 31 July 1968 (USNM); Pen. Osa., 31 July 1968 (MUCR); Finca Las Cruces, 6 km. S. San Vito de Java, 4200 ft., 28 September-2 October 1986 (FSCA). GUATEMALA: Suchitepequez, Los Tarrales Private Nature Res, 27 July 2008 (BYUC). PANAMA:
Achiote Road 10 km SW Gatun, 12 June 1976 (EGRC).
Cerro Campana, 800 m, 2 September 1972, 20 June 1985, 17 May 1993 (EGRC), 2 June 1993 (AJGC, CDFA). Total: 27.