Systematics of Trichoteleia Kieffer and Paridris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae) Author Talamas, Elijah J. Systematic Entomology Lab, USDA / ARS c / o USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560, U. S. A. Author Masner, Lubomir Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada Author Johnson, Norman F. Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, U. S. A. text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2013 2013-08-05 34 1 79 journal article 1314-2607-34-1 65D86C7A5BAC441E8493764EEE334BE0 FFFDD770AA0BFFD0FFC0A5332C49FFE8 574826 Paridris densiclava (Kieffer) Figures 36-39 ; Morphbank 19 Paranteris densiclava Kieffer, 1910: 293, 553 (original description. Keyed); Kieffer 1912 : 65, 67 (redescribed as new, keyed); Kieffer 1926 : 430, 431 (description, keyed). Paridris densiclava (Kieffer): Masner 1965 : 88 (type information, generic transfer). Description. Female body length: 1.15 mm (n=1). Color of head: reddish brown. Distal margin of clypeus: smooth. Shape of distal margin of clypeus in anterior view: convex. Width of clypeus: greater than width across toruli. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of compound eye. Central keel: absent. Macrosculpture of frons between median ocellus and inner orbit of eye: absent. Microsculpture on dorsal head: pustulate. Shape of gena: weakly to moderately receding posterior to eye. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Occipital carina above occipital foramen: simple. Anterior margin of occipital carina above occipital foramen: comprised of cells. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Color of mesosoma: pale brown. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Transverse pronotal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum. Anterior notaulus: absent. Shape of posterior notaulus: ovoid. Microsculpture on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: pustulate. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesoscutum: irregularly rugulose. Pattern of punctation density on medial mesoscutum: increasing anteriorly. Scutoscutellar sulcus: comprised of round cells. Median carina on posterior mesoscutellum: absent. Posterior scutellar sulcus: comprised of deep cells. Punctures on dorsal part of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Striae ventrad of mesopleural carina: absent. Setae on metascutellum: absent. Posterior margin of metascutellum: emarginate. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Dorsal metapleural area: smooth defined area. Anterior projection of the propodeum: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Posterior projection of the propodeum: present as a point formed by plical and lateral propodeal carinae. Plical carina: present. Lateral propodeal area: raised above propodeal surface and indicated by lesser setation. Shape of lateral propodeal area: con tinuous with prespiracular propodeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: weakly to moderately rugose. Length of postmarginal vein: equal to stigmalis. Rs in fore wing: spectral. Cu vein in fore wing: spectral. M vein in forewing: spectral. Color of costal cell in female: hyaline. Color of sub-radial area in female: hyaline. Color of cubito-medial area in female: hyaline. Color of anal margin in female: hyaline. RS+M in forewing: nebulous. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: uniform throughout. Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Longitudinal median carina on horn of T1: absent. Armature on posterior surface of T1 horn: absent. Patch of dense fine setae on anterolateral T1: absent. Constriction of apical T6 in female: absent. Diagnosis. Paridris densiclava shares the smoothly convex shape of T6 with Paridris nigriclava , and differs by having a postmarginal vein as long as the stigmal vein. This venation is shared by Paridris nitidiceps , also from the Seychelles and known from a single male. We separate these species on the basis of the complete notaulus and punctate posterior mesepimeral area in Paridris nitidiceps . The notaulus of Paridris densiclava is present as a single fovea on the posterior margin of the mesoscutum and the posterior mesepimeral area is entirely smooth. Link to distribution map. 20 Material examined. Holotype, female, Paridris densiclava : SEYCHELLES : Mahe Isl., scrubby forest vegetation, top of Mount Sebert, 1800ft+, I-1909, B.M. TYPE HYM. 9.454 (deposited in BMNH).