Figs. 17 - 21. 17 - 20 in Taxonomic Review of Zavreliella Kieffer from East Asia Author Wang, Yu-Hsi Department of Life Science, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kuang Road, Taichung 402, Taiwan Author Shih, Hsi-Te Department of Life Science, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo-Kuang Road, Taichung 402, Taiwan & Research Center of Global Change Biology, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung 402, Taiwan text Zoological Studies 2017 2017-07-12 56 18 1 12 journal article 10.6620/ZS.2017.56-18 1810-522X PMC6517727 31966217 12824657 Amynthas lioujia n. sp. ( Fig. 3 ) 265FE1D5-8C28-40FE-9D79- B42C934BC689 Material examined : Holotype : 1 clitellate (NCHUZOOL 14491), Lioujia , Tainan , Taiwan , 23°13'51.2"N , 120°23'51.3"E , 139 m , 3 November 2010 , collected by Y.-H. Wang et al . Paratypes : 8 clitellates (NCHUZOOL 13547) same collection data as for holotype . Etymology : This species is named for its type locality, Lioujia District, Tainan City, Taiwan . The name is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis : Size 167.2-244.9 mm . Segments 120-142. Setae regularly distributed around segmental equators; 17-25 setae between male pores. Prostomium, epolibic. First dorsal pore at 12/13 or 13/14. Clitellum annular, xiv-xvi, smooth. Female pore single on xiv. Male pores on xviii with many wrinkled edges, with 2 large round genital markings close to each pore on xviii. Spermathecal pores 3 pairs laterally at 6/7-8/9, with genital markings present in front of each pore or absent. Spermathecae three pairs in vii-ix. Seminal vesicles large in xi and xii. Prostates large in xvii-xviii, ducts thick, muscular; without copulatory pouch. Table 1. Morphological comparison among Amynthas binoculatus Tsai, Shen and Tsai, 1999 , A . fusing n. sp., A . lioujia n. sp. , A . majia n. sp. , and A . sexpectatus Tsai, Shen and Tsai, 1999
Length (mm) Clitellum (mm) No. of segments Setae between male pores Genital markings Location Reference
before clitellum around each male pore
A. binoculatus 196.0 6.3 113 16 large, a pair on viii large, disk-shaped, 3 on Taiwan (Taichung) Tsai et al. (1999)
A. fusing 226.0-308.5 8.4-11.2 112-143 13-18 3 pairs on vi, vii, vii, beside large C-shaped, 1 on xviii Taiwan (Taoyuan) this study
spermathecal pores
A . lioujia 167.2-244.9 6.9-7.5 120-142 17-25 large, 1 pair on viii; 3 large, round, 2 on xviii Taiwan (Tainan) this study
pairs on vi, vii, viii beside
spermathecal pores
or absent; sometimes
additional 1 on vi
A . majia 180.7-186.1 5.7-5.9 103-124 22 - V-shaped, 1 on xviii Taiwan (Pingtung) this study
A . sexpectatus 193.0-258.0 6.6-12.2 102-140 23-24 - variable shape and Taiwan (Nantou) Tsai et al. (1999)
number on xviii
Fig. 3. Amynthas lioujia n. sp. holotype, NCHUZOOL 13547: (A) ventral view of male pores with two large genital markings on xviii; (B) lateral views of left spermathecal pores from two specimens (left, NCHUZOOL 13547; right, NCHUZOOL 13547 (no. 4)); (C) right spermathecae and accessory glands; (D) right prostate; (E) right intestinal caeca. ag, accessory gland; amp, ampulla; dv, diverticulum; fp, female pore; gm, genital marking; mp, male pore; sp, spermathecal pore. All scale bars = 1 mm. Description : External: Dimensions 167.2- 244.9 mm by 7.5-9.0 mm in x, 6.9-7.5 mm in xxx, 7.3-8.8 mm in clitellum; body cylindrical throughout, segments 120-142. Setae regularly distributed around segmental equators; 17-25 setae between male pores; setal formula AA: AB: YY: YZ = 2.2: 1: 5: 1.2 on xxv. Prostomium, epilobic. First dorsal pore at 12/13 or 13/14. Clitellum annular, xiv-xvi, smooth. Female pore single on xiv. Male pores on xviii ( Fig. 3A ). Male pores enlarged, with many wrinkled edges, with 2 large round genital markings close to each pore on xviii ( Fig. 3A ). Spermathecal pores laterally at 6/7-8/9, with genital markings present in front of each pore or absent; 1 pair of large genital marking ventrally on viii, each pore with a slightly swollen edge between segments ( Figs. 3A, B ). Septa, 5/6-7/8 thick, 8/9 thin, 9/10 absent, 10/11-12/13 thick, 13/14-15/16 thin; large gizzard in x. Intestinal origin from xv; lymph glands absent; typhlosole simple from xxvii, extending forward as a small ridge to xv. Intestinal caeca simple, originating in xxvii, extending anteriorly to xxiii ( Fig. 3E ). Hearts in xi-xiii. Male sexual system holandric, testes connected at ventral side, funnels ventrally joined to sacs in x and xi. Seminal vesicles large in xi and xii, with large dorsal lobe. Prostates in xviii, 3 main lobes, prostate ducts thick, muscular; without copulatory pouch; joining vasa deferentia distal to glandular portion; vasa deferentia non-muscular ( Fig. 3D ). Ovaries in xiii. Spermathecae paired in vii-ix, ampulla large, ball-shaped in vii-ix; diverticulum axis shorter than ampulla axis, twisted and coiled on same plane, its limbs inseparable; with mass accessory glands in viii ( Fig. 3C ). Ecology and behavior : The vegetation of the habitat was dense and with hard loess. When stimulated, the earthworm secreted coelomic fluid from its dorsal pores as mentioned in Amynthas fusing n. sp. Remarks : This species is similar to Amynthas binoculatus , A . fusing n. sp. , and A . majia n. sp. , but with some different characters. Amynthas binoculatus has a pair of large disk-like genital markings on viii and 3 large genital markings with the male pore ( Tsai et al. 1999 : fig. 4A). Amynthas fusing and A . majia lack genital markings on viii, A . fusing has large C-shaped genital markings close to the male pore ( Fig. 2A ), and A . majia has a large V-shaped genital marking close to the male pore ( Fig. 4A ). Although Amynthas lioujia n. sp. has large disk-like genital markings on viii, it has 2 large round genital markings close to each male pore ( Fig. 3A ). A comparison of characters is given in table 1.