Synopsis of the Cicadidae of Ecuador Author Goding, Frederic W. text Revista del Colegio National Vicente Rocafuerte 1925 1925-06-30 7 1 34 journal article 284059 10.5281/zenodo.10461163 2acb2312-34b6-49bb-a187-f09c974bb085 10461163 Orellana pulla , n. sp. Piceous, tegmina narrower than base of mesonotum mostly dark brown; Head trian ­ gular, front very prominent suddenly depredded from ver ­ tex; vertex double length of front, base, two oblique stripes starting just below the single ocellus and extending to front border, one on each side between these and eyes reach ­ ing anterior lateral angles, and a semilunar stripe just within api c al border of front, yellow; eyes yellow, transversaly oval, Pronotum piceous with convexities yellow; lateral borders broad, fiat, angulate at middle, green; posterior border green, with numerous wrinkles, narrowest at center, lengthily sinuate. Mesonotum with two obconical loops from which extend poster iorly to the front angles of cross, two narrow stripes, two spots in depression in front of cross, arid a stripe on each side near lateral borders, yellow cross green; posterior border triangularly excavated, angles broadly rounded. Abdomen length equal to that from apex of head to apex of mesonotum, broadest at middle obtusely centrally ridged and flattened on sides, posterior edges of seg ­ ments narrowly green or olivaceous, also apex; tympanal coveres green, well developed exteriorly, orifices broadly exposed interiorly, posterior border strongly concave. Tegmina three times longer than broad, dark opaque brown except a small area including basal cell at base which is hyaline; veins piceous radial and ulnar vein at base; ulnar cell narrowed at apex; costa regularly and strongly curved; anal flaps bright green the borders piceous. Wings hyaline, a spot on middle of exterior border, and anal flaps bright green with apex and exterior vein broadly infuscate. Below: face rather prominent, olivaceous, the middle sulcus evident only on inferior half, lateral striae, large spot at upper outer angle, and broad stripe on sides, piceous; clypeus tectiform olivaceous, a median line on lower two-thirds, and spot on each side of apex, fuscous; beak green, fuscous tip passing far beyond posterior coxae. Chest greenish piceous; legs olivaceous green, stripes on femora, three-fourths of front tibiae with tarsi, middle with outer edge and most of tarsi, tips of posterior tibiae and tarsi, fuscous. Opercula large, green, base fuscous, exterior and posterior borders forming a right angle its apex rounded, very little distant. Abdomen fuscous, outer borders and borders of segments more or less green; last segment truncate, angles rounded. Long. 30; lat. 10; exp. tegm. 86 m, m. Female smaller, paler, margins of abdominal segments greenish; central fuscous spot on wings; last abdominal segment with three sulci; and genital plates green; otherwise as in the male. Long, corp. 25; lat. hum. ang. 11; exp. tegm 86 m. m. Hab: Milagro (Goding); Naranjapata (Plank); Macas (Feyer).