Paranarthrura Hansen, 1913 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Angola Basin, description of Paranarthrura angolensis n. sp. Author Guerrero-Kommritz, Jürgen Author Schmidt, Anja Author Brandt, Angelika text Zootaxa 2002 116 1 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.155961 24e365c4-4da0-4ef9-be03-29ceb2f0bfdb 1175­5326 155961 Key for the Paranarthrura species of the Atlantic ocean 1 Uropod endopod biarticled............................................................................................ 2 1a Uropod endopod monoarticled...................................................................................... 6 2 Cephalothorax as long as pereonite one and two together ............................................ 3 2a Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites one and two together ....................................... 4 3 Pleotelson subheptagonal, pleon longer than pereonite six, strong terminal seta on pro­ podus of pereopod one ................................................................................. P. fortispina 3a Pleotelson subpentagonal, pleon as long as pereonite six, no strong terminal seta on propodus of pereopod one ............................................................................... P. insignis 4 Pleon as long as pereonite six, pleotelson subtriangular, propodus and dactylus of chela blunt ......................................................................................................... P. crassa 4a Pleon shorter than pereonite six, pleotelson different, propodus and dactylus of chela pointed...........................................................................................................................5 5 Pleotelson subpentagonal, chela finger without setae dorsally, labium rounded ............ .................................................................................................................... P. angolensis 5a Pleotelson subhexagonal, chela finger with small seta dorsally, labium pointed ............ ....................................................................................................................... P. lusitanus 6 Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites one and two together ....................................... 7 6a Cephalothorax as long as pereonites one and two together .......................................... 8 7 Pereonite one as long as as wide, pleotelson without lateral projection .......... P. subtilis 7a Pereonite one not as long as wide, pleotelson with lateral projection ........ P. intermedia 8 Pleon as long as pereonite six, dactylus of pereopods four to six with two strong setae in addition to terminal strong seta .................................................................... P. tridens 8a Pleon longer than pereonite six, dactylus without additional strong setae.................... 9 9 Peronite with well developed shoulders, three long terminal setae on propodus of pere­ opod one, maxiliped with scutellum covering the basal part of the endites .................... .................................................................................................................... P. kurchatovi 9a Pereonite without shoulders, no long terminal setae on propodus of pereopod one, maxiliped different ......................................................................................... P. borealis