Paranarthrura Hansen, 1913 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Angola Basin, description of Paranarthrura angolensis n. sp.
Guerrero-Kommritz, Jürgen
Schmidt, Anja
Brandt, Angelika
journal article
Key for the
species of the Atlantic ocean
1 Uropod endopod biarticled............................................................................................ 2
1a Uropod endopod monoarticled...................................................................................... 6
2 Cephalothorax as long as pereonite one and two together ............................................ 3
2a Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites one and two together ....................................... 4
3 Pleotelson subheptagonal, pleon longer than pereonite six, strong terminal seta on pro podus of pereopod one
P. fortispina
3a Pleotelson subpentagonal, pleon as long as pereonite six, no strong terminal seta on propodus of pereopod one
P. insignis
4 Pleon as long as pereonite six, pleotelson subtriangular, propodus and dactylus of chela blunt
P. crassa
4a Pleon shorter than pereonite six, pleotelson different, propodus and dactylus of chela pointed...........................................................................................................................5
5 Pleotelson subpentagonal, chela finger without setae dorsally, labium rounded ............
P. angolensis
5a Pleotelson subhexagonal, chela finger with small seta dorsally, labium pointed
............ .......................................................................................................................
P. lusitanus
6 Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites one and two together ....................................... 7
6a Cephalothorax as long as pereonites one and two together .......................................... 8
7 Pereonite one as long as as wide, pleotelson without lateral projection
P. subtilis
7a Pereonite one not as long as wide, pleotelson with lateral projection
P. intermedia
8 Pleon as long as pereonite six, dactylus of pereopods four to six with two strong setae in addition to terminal strong seta
P. tridens
8a Pleon longer than pereonite six, dactylus without additional strong setae.................... 9
9 Peronite with well developed shoulders, three long terminal setae on propodus of pere opod one, maxiliped with scutellum covering the basal part of the endites
.................... ....................................................................................................................
P. kurchatovi
9a Pereonite without shoulders, no long terminal setae on propodus of pereopod one, maxiliped different .........................................................................................
P. borealis