Twelve new species of Triplocania Roesler (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae), from South America
Neto, Alberto Moreira Da Silva
García Aldrete, Alfonso N.
Rafael, José Albertino
journal article
Triplocania calori
n. sp.
Figs 1–15
Close to
T. lucida
T. tambopatensis
García Aldrete
T. umbrata
New. Differing
from them in having the posterior median process of the central sclerite of the hypandrium only slightly bilobed distally.
Male. Color
. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents; head pattern (
Fig. 1
). Scape pale brown, pedicel yellow, f1–f3 pale brown, with apex white. Mx4 pale brown. Femora pale yellow; tibiae pale brown; tarsomeres 1–3 yellow. Forewing with a pale brown marginal band from R4+5 to CuP, with a whitish area almost circular in the connection between CuA and areola postica, a small brown spot at end of R2+3; a brown spot at confluence of CuP–1A and a pale brown area on proximal end of wing; pterostigma with brown bands anteriorly and posteriorly; veins brown (
Fig. 2
). Hindwing with proximal third pale brown; veins brown (
Fig. 3
. Head with vertex slightly concave; compound eyes without interommatidial setae. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with four denticles (
Fig. 4
). Forewing pterostigma wider in the middle, narrow basally; Rs almost straight, R2+3 straight, R4+5 sinuous, M stem slightly concave proximally, then almost straight, M1-M3 almost straight; areola postica wide basally, slightly slanted posteriorly, 2A not reaching wing margin. Hindwing Rs straight, R2+3 and R4+5 almost straight, M sinuous. Hypandrium of three sclerites, a large central piece, anchorshaped, wide based, convex anteriorly, with side projections almost parallel to side sclerites, projected posteriorly, distally bilobed, with a slight cleft in the middle, flanked by large, almost triangular sclerites; setae as illustrated (
Fig. 5
). Phallosome (
Fig. 6
) with side struts independent, V shaped, with a strong narrowing in its connection to external parameres, these concave in the inner margin, bearing pores distally; three pairs of endophallic sclerites, posterior pair elongate, proximally dilated, constricted in the middle, distally wide, curved inwards, ending in seven acuminate dactyloid processes; mesal pair V shaped, large, slightly wider in the middle, narrowing at the ends and distally acuminate; anterior pair heavily sclerotized, curved inwards, proximally wide, the anterior arms of the two sides almost touching in the middle the posterior arms, narrowing to their ends, distally acuminate, ending close to the ends of the inner arms of mesal pair. Epiproct almost triangular, three setae in mesal position, other setae as illustrated (
Fig. 7
). Paraprocts broad, slightly concave proximally, with setal field towards outer and posterior margins, sensory fields with 37 trichobothria on basal rosettes (
Fig. 8
(in microns): FW: 4165, HW: 2785, F: 1096, T: 1845, t1: 790, t2: 95, t3: 184, f1: 836, f2: 676, f3: 609, Mx4: 282, IO: 328, D: 470, d: 370, IO/d: 0.88, PO: 0.82.
Female. Color
. Essentially as in the male.
. Head with vertex almost straight; compound eyes without interommatidial setae (
Fig. 9
). Fore- and hindwings (
Figs 10, 11
) same as in the male. Subgenital plate broad, pigmented area widely concave, setae as illustrated (
Fig. 12
); Ninth sternum with two distinct areas, the anterior broad, with a V shaped area in the middle, with borders strongly pigmented; posterior area narrow, anteriorly concave in the middle, posteriorly pointed (
Fig. 13
). Gonapophyses:
long, slender, heavily sclerotized;
+3 stout, with pointed proximal heel, narrow anteriorly and wider in the middle, with seven setae on outer lobe as illustrated, distal process slender, acuminate, with a field of microsetae (
Fig. 14
). Epiproct and paraprocts (
Fig. 15
) same as in the male, sensory fields of paraprocts with 32 trichobothria on basal rosettes.
(in microns): FW: 4159, HW: 2667, F: 1091, T: 1845, t1: 787, t2: 81, t3: 141, f1: 789, f2: 623, f3: 554, f4: 492, f5: 361, f6: 325, f7: 286, f8: 237, f9: 215, Mx4: 279, IO: 459, D: 419, d: 276, IO/d: 1.66, PO: 0.66.
Material examined.
male (
. Bahia. Camacan.
39º33' 56"W
III. 2012
. Malaise trap. A. R. Calor.
1 male
3 females
), same data as the
. This species is dedicated to its collector, Dr. Adolfo Ricardo Calor, of the Universidade Federal da Bahia,
, in recognition to his important contributions in the taxonomy of Neotropical Trichoptera.