The genus Trichorhina Budde-Lund in Brazil, with description of seven new species (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Platyarthridae)
Souza, L. A.
Araújo, J. P.
Campos-Filho, I. S.
Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
journal article
Key to the species of
from Brazil
1. Ischiumof pereopod VIIof themalewithconspicuous expansion. .. ... .. ... .. .. ....
T. tatianae
Ischium without expansion. ... .. ... .. .. ....2
2. Eyeless or with only one diminute ommatidium; unpigmented ........................... 3
At least one well developed ommatidium; colorvariable ........................... 4
3. Telson acutely pointed; antennary tubercles prominent ...........................
T. brasiliensis
Telson subtriangular broadly rounded; antennary tuberclesnotprominent ...............
T. pittieri
4. Pereonite VII with two
noduli laterales
on each side .............................. 5
Pereonite VII with only one
nodulus lateralis
oneachside ......................... 7
Figs. 95–100.
Trichorhina sexdens
sp. nov.
, male: 95, cephalothorax and four first pereonites, dorsal view; 96, cephalothorax, frontal view; 97, antenna; 98, left mandible; 99, exiteof maxillula; 100, maxilliped. Scale bars: Fig. 95, 1 mm; Fig. 96, 0.5 mm; Figs 97–100, 0.1 mm
Figs. 101–107.
Trichorhina sexdens
sp. nov.
, male: 101, pereopod I; 102, pereopod VII; 103, exopod of pleopod I; 104, endopod of pleopod I; 105, endopod of pleopod II; 106, exopod of pleopod II; 107, exopod of pleopod V. Scale bars: Figs 101–107, 0.1 mm.
Figs. 108–117.
Trichorhina tropidocerata
sp. nov.
Female, habitus: 108, dorsal; 109, cephalothorax and first pereonite, lateral view; 110, cephalo- thorax, frontal view. Male: 111, antenna; 112, left mandible; 113, right mandible; 114, fan-shaped scale-seta of pereonite; 115,
nodulus lateralis
; 116, exiteof maxillula; 117, maxilliped. Scale bars: Figs 108–109, 1 mm; Fig. 110, 0.5 mm; Figs 114–115, 0.01 mm; Figs 111–113, 116–117, 0.1 mm.
Figs. 118–124.
Trichorhina tropidocerata
sp. nov.
, male: 118, pereopod VII; 119, pereopod I; 120, exopod of pleopod I; 121, endopod of pleopod I; 122, endopod of pleopod II; 123, exopod of pleopod II; 124, exopod of pleopod V. Scale bars: 0.1 mm
5. Left mandible with rods between molar and incisory processes; eye with five ommatidia;
withfeaturelessbase ................................
T. guanophila
Left mandible without rods between molar and incisory processes; eye with one or two ommatidia;
with base provided withtwolateralprocesses ............. 6
6. Eye formed by two unequally sized............. .................
T. heterophthalma
Eyeformedbyonlyoneommatidium ........ .........................
T. tomentosa
7. Second article of antennal peduncle ridged or crested ..............................8
Secondarticleof antennalpeduncle .......... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...9
8. Eye formed by 15 ommatidia; second article of antennal peduncle with dorsal keel (
Fig. 111
) .. .. ... .. .. .. ....
T. tropidocerata
sp. nov.
Eye formed by five ommatidia; second article of antennal peduncle with outer crenulate (
Fig. 12
). ... .... .... ... ....
T. biumbonata
sp. nov.
9. Eye formed by a single very large ommatidium ..........................
T. macrops
Eye formedbyatleastfour ommatidia .... 10
10. Eyeswithfourommatidia ............ 11 Eyeswithfivetotenommatidia ......... 13
Noduli laterales
very close to the posterior border of pereonites I–VII (ratio b/c smaller than 0.1). .. ... .. ... ... ... .. ....12
Noduli laterales
located more far of the posterior border of pereonites I–VII (ratio b/c larger than 0.2, larger than
0.1 in
P VII) (
Fig. 6
) .... ... .... .... ....
T. sexdens
sp. nov.
12. Telsonclearlyacute .............
T. acuta
Telsonsubtriangular, withroundedapex ..
13. Eyesformedbyeight totenommatidia ...... 14
Eyes formed by five to six ommatidia.......15
with steep increase from PIto PIIin d/c (
Fig. 2
). ......
T. crassisetae
sp. nov
Noduli laterales
without steep increase from PIto PIIin d/c .........
. amazonica
15. Exite of maxillula with 4+4 (two cleft) teeth. ... ... .. ... ... ... .....
T. argentina
Exite of maxillula with 3+3–4 (zero to two cleft) teeth ...........................16
16. Pereon yellow to brown, pleon unpigmented; only six teeth at exite of maxillula, none cleft; molar process of left mandible with three penicils
T. bicolor
Body background of pereon and pleon uniform; seven teeth in exite of maxillula, one or two cleft; molar process of left mandible with onlyonepenicil .................... 17
17. Body background brown with darker spots in head; eyes lighter; one cleft tooth in exite of maxillula (
Fig. 50
) ...............
T. lenkoi
sp. nov.
Body pale yellow to unpigmented; eyes dark brown to black; two cleft teeth in exite of maxillula ...............................18
18. Carpus of pereopod Iof male without bristle field (
Fig. 70
) ..........
T. myrmecophila
sp. nov.
Carpus of pereopod Iof male with bristle field (
Fig. 90
) .............
T. orensis
sp. nov.