First description of the male of Tegenaria zamanii Marusik & Omelko, 2014 (Araneae: Agelenidae) from northern Iran Author Marusik, Yuri M. Author Zamani, Alireza text Zootaxa 2015 4052 2 226 228 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4052.2.6 8949a10b-dbca-417d-bc74-cbde88039d76 1175-5326 239940 68F5478A-89CF-4BF2-BC64-F729FA2D6008 Tegenaria zamanii Marusik & Omelko, 2014 Figs 1‒7 Tegenaria zamanii Marusik & Omelko , in Marusik et al. (2014) : 256 , f. 1a‒l, 2a‒e (♀). Material examined: IRAN : 1 ♂ ( SMF ), Golestan Province: Gorgan, Khan Bebin, Shirabad Waterfall, Shirabad Cave, 36°56’N , 55°02’E , 256 m , July 2015 (A. Zamani). Note. Findings of the male proved that this species belongs to Tegenaria sensu stricto , but not to the related Eratigena Bolzern, Burckhardt & Hänggi, 2013 , and fit the diagnosis provided by Bolzern et al. (2013) : six retromarginal teeth of subequal size, presence of a lateroventral ridge (lacking in Eratigena ) and bifid apex of the conductor. Diagnosis. Male of T. zamanii is most similar to those of T. domestica , the generotype, by having short conductor, short embolus, lamellate tibial apophysis and elongate tip of the cymbium, but can be distinguished by thinner embolus with gradually tapering tip (not abrupt as in T. domestica , cf. Fig. 37 in Guseinov et al. 2005 ), almost reduced prolateral arm of the conductor, shorter tegulum and much longer palp, almost as long as body (prolateral arm of conductor well developed, tegulum elongate and palp almost twice shorter than body). Description. Male. Total length 7.5. Carapace 3.7 long, 2.75 wide. Light coloured ( Figs. 5, 7 ). Carapace uniformly yellow with slightly darker cephalic part. Sternum with pattern as in female, but almost indistinct: with wide light median band, round light lateral spots missing. Chelicerae with 3 pro- and 6 retromarginal teeth of subequal size. Legs very long and without annulations ( Figs. 5, 7 ). Leg I length 28.9 (7.5, 1.5, 8.0, 8.3, 3.6). Abdomen coloured as in female. Palp as in Figs. 1‒4, 6 ; 6.9 long (2.75, 0.75, 1.85, 1.55), almost as long as whole body. Femur wider than other segments. Distal part of tibia with lateroventral ridge ( Vr ) and wide and flat apophysis. Cymbium long, its tip longer than basal part and bulb. Bulb slightly longer than wide; median apophysis ( Ta ) wider than long; conductor massive with almost reduced prolateral arm ( Pa ), retrolateral arm ( Ra ) with bifid apex ( Fig. 1 ); embolus short, gradually tapering, rounded, starts at a 9 o'clock position. Female. Described in details in Marusik et al. (2014) . Distribution. Known only from Shirabad Cave in Golestan Province, northern Iran .