Taxonomy of the Neotropical species of Calythea (Anthomyiidae: Diptera), with description of two new species from South America
Gomes, Lucas Roberto Pereira
Carvalho, Claudio José Barros de
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
e 20210102
journal article
Calythea Schnabl & Dziedzicki
Calythea micropteryx
species group
Male holoptic. Body black in general color, bright silvery grey-dusting pruinosity on thorax and abdomen (
Figs. 1-3
). Frontal vitta, antenna and palp black. Gena and parafacialia black with silvery pruinosity (
Figs. 1a
2a, d
3a, d, g
). Anepimeron, anepisternum, and meron black, silvery pruinose (
Figs. 2c, f
). Prescutellar region, and postalar callus pruinose. Scutellum apically pruinose. Apical scutellar setae longer than basal and discal scutellar setae. Abdomen with 3 subtriangular dark spots basally connected on each abdominal tergite (
Fig. 3c
). Arista short pubescent. Presence of a keel on face, between antennae. Prosternum and katepimeron setulose. Meron bare or posteriorly setulose below spiracle. Katepisternum 1+2, covered by many long setae, including a differentiated seta discernible below the two posteriors one. Apex of scutellum ventrally setulose. Prealar short or absent. 1 supra-alars. 2 intra-alars. 2 postalars. Wing hyaline. Lower calypter 1.5 times larger than upper one. Fore tibia with one a seta. Hind tibia with 1 av (submedian), 2 ad (supramedian and submedian), 1 d (preapical), and a long pd (submedian) seta. Pulville small, similar to tarsomere width. Subcostal vein evenly bowed towards the Costal vein, without any sinuosity. Vein dm-m straight. Palpi claviform. Sternite 1 setulose. Sternite 5 with a serrated edge on its posterior incision (
Figs.4a, e, i, m, q
). Cerci triangular on posterior view (
Figs. 4b, f, j, n, r
). Pregonite with two long setae, postgonite with a median long seta and distiphallus very large and rounded (
Figs. 4d, h, l, p, t
). Female: Dichoptic; body dark brown, palpi claviform, twice enlarged than male; interfrontal setae present. Thorax with 3-5 longitudinal stripes. Katepisternum 1+2, without several long covered setae. Pulville smaller, about half of tarsomere width. Epiproct as long as its wide, tergite 6 and 7 T-shaped dorsally (
Figs. 5b, e, h, k
). Hypoproct longer than wide, sternite 6 and 7 trapezoid (
Figs. 5c, f, i, l
). Three spermathecae, one smaller with about half diameter of the others.
Identification key to the males of
Calythea Schnabl & Dziedzicki species
from Neotropical Region
The Palaearctic species
C. nigricans Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
was erroneously recorded from Neotropical Region (
Pont, 1974
), and
C. monticola Bigot, 1885
occurs in the Nearctic Region of Mexico and
United States
Griffiths, 1987
). Both species were not included in the key. The species
C. costana
Séguy, 1934
is only known from its type-locality in
, this species probably is not an
Figure 1
Calythea andina
new species
Male: head, frontal view (A); habitus, dorsal view (B); habitus, lateral view (C). Bar= 0.5 mm.
Figure 2
Calythea cochlearis
new species
Male: head, frontal view (A); habitus, dorsal view (B); habitus, lateral view (C); Female: head, frontal view (D); habitus, dorsal view (E); habitus, lateral view (F). Bar= 0.5 mm.
due to male terminalia and dorsocentrals setae 2+4, and also was not included in the key.
Eyes setulose; thorax without pruinose near transversal suture (
Fig. 3e
); hind tibia with a pd seta 4 times longer than tibia width ......................................................................
C. crenata Bigot, 1885
Eyes bare; thorax with pruinose near transversal suture (
Fig. 1b
3b, 3h
); hind tibia with a pd seta 2-3 times longer than tibia width ….................................................................. 2
2 (1).
Face not projecting beyond frontal angle …......................... 3
Face projecting beyond frontal angle…..................................4
3 (2).
Palpi enlarged; frons with fronto-orbital plates separated by frontal vitta (
Fig. 3a
); anterior anepisternal seta twice longer than covered cilia; thorax pruinose from transversal suture, with a forward projection, reaching the anterior dorsocentral presutural seta (
Fig. 3b
) …........................................
C. comis
Stein, 1911
Palpi slightly enlarged; frons at narrowest point with contiguous fronto-orbital plates (
); anterior anepisternal seta slightly longer than covered cilia; thorax pruinose from transversal suture, without forward projection, reaching anterior dorsocentral presutural seta (
Fig. 3h
) …...................... ..............................................
C. micropteryx (Thomson, 1869)
4 (2).
Margin of calypters brownish; setulae on sternite 1 twice longer than length of sternite; postgonite distally not bilobate (
Fig. 4d
) …...............................................
C. andina
new species
Margin of calypters whitish; setulae on sternite 1 slightly longer than length of sternite; postgonite distally bilobate (
Fig. 4h
) …...................................
C. cochlearis
new species