Description of fifteen new species of the Hypoxys balteatus species group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Author Mendonca, Maria Thayane S. 66075 - 110, Belém, Pará, Brazil; Author Nunes, Benedito M. e-mail: beneditomn @ gmail. com Author Fernandes, Jose Antonio M. text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2021-08-07 61 1 289 318 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.017 1804-6487 5177527 DD0F4CB0-2288-4285-9FE2-6843F4952967 Hypoxys favachae sp. nov. ( Figs 3A–B , 12A–F , 21A ) Material examined. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ:J, BRAZIL : Pൺඋග: Óbidos,Amazonas [river] / 6.vii.1930 / via. H. Rollé ( USNM ). Pൺඋൺඍඒඉൾඌ: SURINAME : Sංඉൺඅංඐංඇං: , Kaysergebergte / 25.xi–14.xii.1960 / Sagiman Moentari ( FMNH ); BRAZIL :Aආൺඉග: , Rio Amapari / J.L.Lane col.// / Anicohí ( MZUSP ). Diagnosis. Antennae brown. Antennomere II longer than III. Pronotum with smoky stripe reaching posterior margin. Thoracic and abdominal pleurites and sternites with black spots ( Fig. 3B ). Anterior excavation of metasternal process harboring fourth and third rostral segment ( Fig. 12F ). Male genitalia. Pygophore ( Figs 12A–D ). Posterolateral angles slightly developed, straight and rounded ( Fig. 12A ). Superior process of genital cup large, robust, strongly convex, ventral part thick; inner dorsal angle produced in digitiform long process ( Figs 12A,C,D ); parallel to dorsal rim and almost reaching apex of posterolateral angle ( Figs 12C,D ). Paramere with two lobes; anterior lobe narrow, long and triangular, and directed to dorsal rim; lateral lobe short and rounded ( Figs 12C,D ). Proctiger with scattered setae on lateral excavation, slightly tumid dorsoposteriorly; posterior face triangular ( Figs 12C,D ). Ventral rim with expansions large, distally rounded, ventrolateral side broadly excavated, dorsal side with brown spot; clearly surpassing level of posterolateral angles ( Fig. 12B ). Female genitalia. Genital plates ( Fig. 12E ). Valvifers 8 with posterior and inner margins dark; posterior margin slanting with posterolateral angles little developed, dentiform and posteriorly directed, inner angles acute and slightly curved, directed to valvifers 9; imaginary line tangent to posterolateral angles not reaching distal margin of valvifers 9; excavation in open U-shape. Valvulae 8 visible. Apices of laterotergites 8 slightly above level of apices of abdominal segment VII. Laterotergites 9 slightly surpassing band connecting laterotergites 8; apices clearly below imaginary line tangent to apices of abdominal segment VII. Figs 11A–B. Hypoxys caquetensis sp. nov. A – genital plates; B – metasternal process. Scale bars = 1 mm. Figs 12A–F. Hypoxys favachae sp. nov. A–D – pygophore in dorsal, ventral, posterior and posterolateral view, respectively; E – genital plates; F – metasternal process. Green circle in Fig. D indicates the anterior lobe of paramere. Scale bars = 1 mm. Measurements (n = 3; mm). Total length 15.8–17.2; head length 1.7–1.8; head width 3.3–3.7; pronotum width 9.4–10.8; abdomen width 7.7–8.8; length of antennomeres: I – 0.7–1.0; II – 1.2–1.8; III – 1.0–1.2; IV – 3.8–4.2; V – 4.6; scutellum length 7.1–8.0; scutellum width 5.3–5.8; pronotum length 3.0–3.3. Differential diagnosis. See differential diagnosis of the species H. aspilogaster sp. nov. for the female genitalia. As for the males, H. favachae sp. nov. resembles H. gaucho sp. nov. in presenting the superior process of genital cup large, robust, with ventral margin thick, and the inner dorsal angle produced in a digitiform process. But H. favachae sp. nov. differs from H. gaucho sp. nov. in the presence of a crown of dense setae on proctiger; the shape of the posterior face of proctiger; and the shape of the expansions of ventral rim. Etymology. Named after the first author’s mother – Sileide Favacho. Distribution ( Fig. 21A ). Suriname : Sipaliwini ; Brazil : Amapá and Pará. Remarks. The label of the holotype mentions “ Amazonas ” after Óbidos; we assume that this name refers to the river Amazonas not the State of Amazonas .