Evolution of nuptial-gift-related male prosomal structures: taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Oedothorax (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae) Author Lin, Shou-Wang Author Lopardo, Lara Author Uhl, Gabriele text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2022 2021-11-20 195 417 584 journal article 115951 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab033 75b10efe-a17d-4d10-b46e-094c6a7ebf01 0024-4082 6967774 BE2B3859-8F6A-4543-8A69-91840F82377B MITRAGER ANGELA (TANASEVITCH, 1998) COMB. NOV. ( FIGS 26A, B , 38F , 39F , 40F , 41 ; SUPPORTING INFORMATION, FIG. S3D ) Oedothorax angelus Tanasevitch, 1998a: 433 , figs 14–18 (Dm). Type material: Holotype : Nepal : Panchthar District , Dhorpar Kharka , Rhododendron & Lithocarpus forest , 2700 m , 13.–16.iv.1988 , leg. J. Martens & W. Schawaller (SMF 38828, examined) . Paratypes : Nepal : same locality, together with holotype , 4♂ ( SMF 38853, examined) 2♂ ( ZMMU ), leg. Martens & W. Schawaller; Panchthar District, Paniporua, 2300 m , mixed broadleaved forest, 4♂ ( SMF 38860, examined) 2♂ ( ZFMK ) 1♂ ( ZMMU ) 16.–20.iv.1988 , leg. J. Martens & W. Schawaller. Diagnosis: Males: Distinguished from all other Mitrager species (except from M. cornuta , M. coronata and M. villosa ) by the two pairs of branched setae in the ocular region; distinguished from the aforementioned three species by the absence of postocular groove. Description: Male ( holotype ): Total length: 1.97. Prosoma: 0.91 long, 0.73 wide, PME- and postocular region elevated, posteriorly with setae bifurcated anterior-posteriorly; Figure 37. Mitrager noordami van Helsdingen, 1985 . A–E, male left palp. A, retrolateral view. B, prolateral view. C, dorsal view. D, apical view. E, embolic division, prolateral view. F, G, epigyne. F, ventral view. G, external morphology. H, male posterior median spinnerets and posterior lateral spinnerets. I, female posterior median spinnerets and left posterior lateral spinneret. Scale bars 0.1 mm. Figure 38. Male prosomal morphology of Clade 55 in Figure 3, lateral. A, Mitrager hirsuta ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) ( Wunderlich, 1974 , fig. 8). B, M. clypeellum (Tanasevitch, 1998) (traced from photograph). C, M. elongata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) ( Wunderlich, 1974 , fig. 13). D, M. cornuta ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) ( Tanasevitch, 2015 , fig. 16). E, M. villosa ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) ( Tanasevitch, 2015 , fig. 89). F, M. angela (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 14). G, M. coronata (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 6). H, M. sexoculorum (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 19). I, M. globiceps ( Thaler, 1987 ) (traced from photograph). J, M. lineata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) (traced from photograph). K, M. dismodicoides ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) (traced from photograph). L, M. tholusa (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 24). M, M. lucida ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) ( Wunderlich, 1974 , fig. 30). N, M. sexoculata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) (traced from photograph). O. M. noordami van Helsdingen, 1985 ( van Helsdingen, 1985 , fig. 1). P, M. unicolor ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) (traced from photograph). Q, M. rustica ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) ( Tanasevitch, 2015 , fig. 75). R, M. assueta (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 1). S, M. malearmata (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 50). T, M. savigniformis (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 40). U, M. falcifer (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 46). V, M. modesta (Tanasevitch, 1998) ( Tanasevitch, 1998a , fig. 36). W, M. lopchu ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) (traced from photograph). X, M. falciferoides ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) ( Tanasevitch, 2015 , fig. 35). Figure 39. Male chelicerae, stridulatory striae on lateral side. A, Mitrager hirsuta . B, M. clypeellum . C, M. elongata . D, M. cornuta . E, M. villosa . F, M. angela . G, M. coronata . H, M. sexoculorum . I, M. globiceps . J, M. lineata . K, M. dismodicoides . L, M. tholusa . M, M. lucida . N, M. sexoculata . O, M. noordami . P, M. unicolor . Q, M. rustica . R, M. assueta . S, M. savigniformis . T, M. falcifer . U, M. modesta . V, M. falciferoides . Scale bars 0.05 mm. Figure 40. Opisthosoma, dorsal view. A–L, N–Y, male; D, female. A, Mitrager hirsuta ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . B, M. clypeellum (Tanasevitch, 1998) . C, M. elongata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . D, M. cornuta ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) . E, M. villosa ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) . F, M. angela (Tanasevitch, 1998) . G, M. coronata (Tanasevitch, 1998) . H, M. sexoculorum (Tanasevitch, 1998) . I, M. globiceps ( Thaler, 1987 ) . J, M. lineata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . K, M. dismodicoides ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . L, M. tholusa (Tanasevitch, 1998) , holotype. M, ‘ M. tholusa ’, paratype (not conspecific with holotype). N, M. lucida ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . O, M. sexoculata ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . P,. M. noordami van Helsdingen, 1985 . Q, M. unicolor ( Wunderlich, 1974 ) . R, M. rustica ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) . S, M. assueta (Tanasevitch, 1998) . T, M. savigniformis (Tanasevitch, 1998) , paratype. U, M. savigniformis , holotype. V, M. falcifer (Tanasevitch, 1998) . W, M. modesta (Tanasevitch, 1998) . X, M. lopchu ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) . Y, M. falciferoides ( Tanasevitch, 2015 ) . Scale bars 0.1 mm. inter-PME region with two pairs of branched setae, posterior pair longer than anterior ( Figs 26A, B , 38F ). Eyes: AME-AME: 0.05, AME width: 0.04, AME-ALE: 0.05, ALE width: 0.06, ALE-PLE: 0.01, PLE width: 0.06, PLE-PME: 0.06, PME width: 0.05, PME-PME: 0.13. Clypeus: not hirsute. Sternum: 0.51 long, 0.53 wide. Chelicerae: mastidia absent, stridulatory striae imbricated, rows widely and evenly spaced ( Fig. 39F ). Legs: dorsal proximal macroseta on tibia I and III 0.34 and 0.35 times diameter of tibia, respectively; Tm I: 0.83. Pedipalp: patella prolateral proximal vertical macrosetae present; tibia with one prolateral, two retrolateral trichobothria; TPS without scale, retrolaterally pointed; several parallel slit organs prolateral to TPS; TPA absent; TRA bent retrolaterally ( Fig. 41C ); PC median-sized, base not visible from dorsal view, distal setae close to distal clasp, distal clasp with striae, directed retrolaterally, ( Fig. 41A ); T without papillae, PT short, TS short, without papillae ( Fig. 41D ); MSA present ( Fig. 41A ); DSA pointed, retrolaterally curved ( Fig. 41D ); EM flat, anterior margin with papillae, length exceeds ARP ( Fig. 41B ); ARP pointed, bent distally; LER without striae, extended dorsal to E; VRP absent; TP round at tip ( Fig. 41B ); E retrolaterally spiral, anterior margin at base slightly wavy ( Fig. 41B ). Opisthosoma: dorsal pattern see Fig. 40F ; PMS with mAP, one AC; PLS with triad, one AC ( Fig. 41F ).