Synonymical and nomenclatural notes on Trachyderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) Author Monné, Marcela L. Author Monné, Miguel A. text Zootaxa 2013 3686 3 356 362 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3686.3.4 29f6410d-eab5-423c-8291-eb4dc69dfef2 1175-5326 221653 22688F36-487E-4690-B4ED-60A83E9049D5 Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 ( Fig. 11 ) Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 : 748 ; Lacordaire, 1869 : 190 ; Lameere, 1884 : 92 (distr.); Bruch, 1912 : 204 (cat.); Buck, 1959 : 595 (distr.); Zajciw, 1969 : figs. 14, 15; Monné & Fragoso, 1996 : 114 , fig. 12; Di Iorio, 2004 : 43 (distr.); Monné, 2005 : 609 (cat.). Purpuricenus brasiliensis Schaufuss, 1871 : 210 , syn. nov. Metaleptus brasiliensis ; Gemminger & Harold, 1872 : 2970 ; Aurivillius, 1912 : 469 (cat.); Melzer, 1931 : 57 ; Monné, 2005 : 618 (cat.). Type locality : Brazil , Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo. Geographical distribution . Brazil (Paraná to Rio Grande do Sul), Paraguay , Argentina (Misiones, Corrientes). Melzer (1931: 58) discussed Eriphus purpuratus and Metaleptus brasiliensis and noted that Chevrolat’s description of Eriphus purpuratus agreed with Schaufuss’ description of Metaleptus brasiliensis . then I feel that this species if merely a synonym of the first one, and also because the geographical distribution is the same. We agree with Melzer’s conclusions and it was not possible to detect differences between both descriptions, then we propose the present synonymy. The genus Metaleptus Bates, 1872 is represented in the Neotropical region by 6 species distributed in southern United States , Mexico and Central America . Specimens examined. BRAZIL , Paraná: Arapongas, 3 males , XII.1951 , A. Maller col., same locality snd collector, female, I.1952 .. Rolandia, 13.I.1942 , H. Zellibor col., same locality and collector, female, 8.I.1943 , female, 23.XI.1943 . Santa Catarina: Corupá, female, XII.1943 , A. Maller col., Mafra, female, XII.1968 , A. Maller col. Pinhal, female, XII.1954 , A. Maller col., Rio Negrinho, female, I.1975 , A. Maller col. Seara (Nova Teutonia), male, female, XII.1940 , F. Plaumann col.,. same locality and collector, male, female, XII.1949 . Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, male, XI.1947 , Santo Augusto, 5 males , II.1971 , O . Roppa col., same locality and collector, male, 4 females , I.1967 , male, 2 females , II.1968 , male, XI.1968 ,. Sobradinho, male, female, 5.I.1968 , J. Becker col. PARAGUAY , Itapúa, Hohenau (Río Alto Paraná), female, I.1940 , same locality, female, XII. 1940 . ARGENTINA , Misiones: Concepción (Santa Maria), male, X.1947 , M. J.Viana col. Corrientes: San Tomé , female, II.1926 ; same locality, female, II.1943 , J, M, Bosq col. All in MNRJ.