New records of terrestrial and freshwater ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Korea: Brief descriptions with notes Author Lee, Sue Yeon Author Yoo, Jung Sun Author Kim, Seung Tae text Journal of Species Research 2017 6 1 7 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2017.6 2713-8615 13163375 10. Anteholosticha antecirrata Berger, 2006 ( Fig. 2C ) Diagnosis. Body size 120-145 × 45-65 μm in protargol preparations; 250 × 75 μm in vivo ; body shape elongat- ed ellipsoidal, flattened dorsoventrally, both body ends rounded; flexible. Nuclear apparatus composed of more than 100 macronuclear nodules with several spherical micronuclei throughout cytoplasm. Contractile vacuole anterior of left mid-body. Cortical granules arranged in longitudinal rows; yellow-greenish. Cytoplasm colourless. Movement, without any peculiarities, crawling on soil surface. Cirri pattern, on average, composed of 3 frontal cirri, 2 or 3 buccal cirri, 2 frontoterminal cirri, 2 pretransverse ventral cirri, 9-11 transverse cirri, 1 left and 1 right marginal row; transverse cirri anteriorly displaced; 3 dorsal kineties. Remarks. The genus Anteholosticha is a species-rich taxon with more than 40 reported species ( Berger, 2006 ). As in the species-group name, the etymology refers to the anteriorly displaced transverse cirri that barely project beyond the rear body end ( Berger, 2006 ). Voucher slides. Two slides, including protargol-impregnated specimens (TB9), were deposited at the National Institute of Biological Resources in Korea (NIBR PR0000107181, NIBRPR0000107182).