A new species of planthopper in the genus Eumyndus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) from palms in eastern Madagascar and molecular evidence for the synonymy of Eumyndus kraussi and Eumyndus metcalfi Author Bahder, Brian W. University of Florida, Department of Entomology and Nematology - Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center; 3205 College Ave., Davie, FL 33314 - 7719, USA. Author Randretsiferana, Safidinirina Armande Author Randretsiferana, Andrianatenaina Author Stroiński, Adam Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland Author Łukasik, Piotr Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University Author Bartlett, Charles R. University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, 250 Townsend Hall, Newark, DE 19716 - 2160, USA. Author Pilet, Fabian CIRAD, UMR PVBMT, F- 97410 Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, France Author Hasinjaka, Rasolondalao Harin’Hala Madagascar Biodiversity Institute, Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-09-30 5514 4 338 352 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5514.4.3 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.4.3 1175-5326 13914636 82B33533-A4CC-4626-8B53-FCC636DF70A5 Eumyndus jeanjacquei Bahder, Stroiński & Bartlett , sp. nov. ( Figures 2–6 ) Type locality. Madagascar , Alaotra-Mangoro Region, Analalava Forest Reserve. Etymology. The specific name is a patronym for Jean-Jacques Rafanomezantsoa, who was critical in arranging the logistics of the expedition. Diagnosis. Small, uniformly light orange (venter and legs paler), male with fuscous patch on abdominal tergites, female with fuscous wash. male with asymmetrical anal segment; phallobase curving directly dorsad from base with apex curved to near complete circle to point directly towards anterior. Description. Color . Body uniformly yellow-orange ( Fig. 2 ). Ocelli reddish. Males with median fuscous patch on abdominal tergites; female with fuscous wash over body. FIGURE 2. Adult habitus of Eumyndus jeanjacquei sp. nov. ; A) male dorsal view, B) male lateral view, C) female dorsal view and D) female lateral view; scale bar = 1 mm. Structure. Body length (including wings) males: 6.6–6.7 mm ( n = 11), females: 6.7–6.9 mm ( n = 9) ( Table 3 ). TABLE 3. Biometric data for Eumyndus jeanjacquei sp. nov. (in mm)
Male ( n= 11) Female ( n =9)
Character Range Average±SE Range Average±SE
Body length, with wings 4.0–4.2 4.1±0.1 4.2–4.4 4.3±0.1
Body length, no wings 3.5–3.6 3.6±0.1 3.6–3.7 3.7±0.1
Forewing length 3.5–3.5 3.5±0.0 3.7–3.7 3.7±0.0
Vertex length 0.4–0.5 0.4±0.1 0.5–0.5 0.5±0.0
Vertex width, basal margin 0.3–0.3 0.3±0.0 0.4–0.4 0.4±0.0
Vertex width, distal margin 0.2–0.2 0.2±0.0 0.3–0.3 0.3±0.0
Pronotum length, midline n/a n/a n/a n/a
Mesonotum length, midline 0.8–0.8 0.8±0.0 0.8–0.8 0.8±0.0
Mesonotum width 0.7–0.8 0.8±0.0 0.8–0.8 0.8±0.0
Frons width, dorsal margin 0.2–0.2 0.2±0.0 0.3–0.3 0.3±0.0
Frons width, clypeal suture 0.4–0.4 0.4±0.0 0.5–0.5 0.5±0.0
Frons width, widest 0.5–0.5 0.5±0.0 0.6–0.6 0.6±0.0
Frons width, narrowest 0.2–0.2 0.2±0.0 0.3–0.3 0.3±0.0
Frons length, midline 0.6–0.6 0.6±0.0 0.6–0.6 0.6±0.0
Clypeus length 0.4–0.4 0.4±0.0 0.4–0.4 0.4±0.0
Head. In dorsal view ( Fig. 3A ): vertex longer than wide, elongately trapezoidal, narrowing anteriorly with lateral margins foliately carinate, widest at posterior margin, length at midline approximately 1.3x long as width at posterior margin, anterior margin with apical transverse carina (sometimes obscure), truncate and with strongly arcuate and transverse subapical carina near anterior margin of vertex (may be faint), and meeting before apical transverse carina; both carinae fused medially, laterally forming areolets; posterior margin nearly linear, (without median invagination) medially very slightly concave, overlapping anterior margin of pronotum. Disc of vertex with median carina obsolete (faintly suggested especially near posterior margin). FIGURE 3. Adult male Eumyndus jeanjacquei sp. nov. ; A) head, pronotum and mesonotum in dorsal view, B) head, pronotum and mesonotum in lateral view and C) head and pronotum in frontal view; scale bar = 1 mm. Head in lateral view ( Fig. 3B ) generally rounded from posterior margin of vertex, head margin extending slightly beyond eye; lateral ocelli present just below anterior margin of eyes. Antennae short, scape ringlike, pedicle ovoid, bulbous, covered with sensory plaques. Frontoclypeal suture linear. Frons (in frontal view— Fig. 3C ) longer than wide with strong lateral carinae; narrowest dorsally just below dorsal margin, widest just above frontoclypeal suture, then narrowed ventrad; dorsal margin concave (from frontal view, dorsal margin is at apical transverse carina). Disc of frons smooth, median carina obsolete; median ocellus present, conspicuous, just above frontoclypeal suture. Frontoclypeal suture linear ( Fig. 3C ). Postclypeus with carinate lateral margins and with median carina (weakly visible in upper part); anteclypeus lacking median carina. Thorax. Pronotum narrow, very short at midline ( Fig. 3A ), medially hidden in dorsal view by posterior margin of head, posterior margin broadly concave; paradiscal region ( Fig. 3B ) relatively narrow, extending ventrad to level of ventral margin of antenna, bearing transverse sinuate carina following contour of posterior margin of head (partially hidden by posterior head margin) and terminating on ventral margin, ventrocaudal margin acuminately pointed, paradiscal region projecting laterally and visible in frontal view ( Fig. 3C ). Mesonotum, in dorsal view ( Fig. 3A ), tricarinate with median and lateral carinae separate at base; median carina obsolete near scutellum, lateral carinae complete, diverging posteriorly, curved at anterior margin, anterior margin hidden under posterior margin of head approximately as wide as long. Hind tibiae lacking lateral teeth, spinulation 6-8-9. Tegmen ( Fig. 4 ) membranous, distinctly elongated (longer than wide) and nearly parallel-sided; apical margin widely arcuate with breaking point in the middle of margin (end of MP1); postclaval margin bent about 15 degrees. Basal cell very narrow, distinctly longer than wide. Longitudinal veins distinctly visible dotted with pustules bearing setae. Longitudinal veins ScP+R and MP forming short composite stem from basal cell and forking distinctly before fusion of claval vein Pcu and A1; first fork of ScP+R distinctly before of first fork of MP, slightly basad of CuA stem and about at level of fusion of claval veins Pcu+A1; first fork of MP at the level of clavus apex, first fork of CuA a bit after of first fork of SC+R. Forking sequence of longitudinal veins ScP+R→CuA→MP. Branching pattern RA 1-branched, RP 3-branched, MP 5-branched, CuA 2-branched; branches of CuA not anastomosed to form closed C5 (procubital) cell. FIGURE 4. Forewing venation of Eumyndus jeanjacquei sp. nov. . Cell C1 the longest and widest, about 7.7 times longer than wide,; cell C3 shortest, just wider than C5 about 5.5 times longer than wide; C5 about 10 times as long as wide. Cell length sequence C1→C5→C3. Radial area apically the largest, occupying, ca 60% of tegmen surface; median area the smaller than radial one but bigger than cubital area, occupying about 30% of tegmen surface, with terminals spread below from breaking point of apical margin; cubital area narrowest occupying ca. 10% of tegmen surface, with terminals spread on about ¼ of apical margin length, reaching posteroapical angle. Clavus extending to midlength of tegmen, fusion of claval vein bit after half the clavus. Transverse veinlet icu reaching apex of clavus. Hindwing with “I-type” connection between MP and CuA veins. Genitalia. Pygofer weakly bilaterally asymmetrical, in lateral view ( Fig. 5A ) relatively broad, narrowest dorsally (dorsal margin rounded), widest ventrally, anterior margin, posterior margin and ventral margin irregularly sinuate, posterior margin bearing large subtriangular process near dorsal margin, concave below subtriangular process, expanded basad at medioventral lobe; in ventral view ( Fig. 5B ), medioventral process broad, asymmetrically subtriangular. Gonostyli in lateral view ( Fig. 5A ) short, slender and upcurved, sinuate, rounded at apex bearing a small subapical rounded lobe on ental surface; in ventral view ( Fig. 5B ), sinuate on inner and outer margins, rounded apically, small, subapical tooth (same structure seen in lateral view on dorsal margin) arising at inner margin ( Fig. 5B ). Aedeagus complex, phallobase subtending shaft with apical process (P1) strongly sinuate, curved left lateral at apex, with large dorsal process (P2) curving caudad, apex curving cephalad, process nearly circular ( Fig. 6 ), endosoma simple, short, robust, not extending beyond apex of phallobase; from dorsal view ( Fig. 6C ), phallobase incompletely joined to aedeagus (enclosing aedeagal base only), bearing varied elongate projections (often exceeding aedeagus); aedeagus relatively short, bearing small, simple membranous endosoma. ( Fig. 6 ). Anal segment strongly bilaterally asymmetrical, in lateral view ( Fig. 5A ), apex strongly downturned into broad, irregular, elongated ventral projection with rounded apex (reaching level of medioventral projection of pygofer).
FIGURE 5. Adult male Eumyndus jeanjacquei sp. nov. gentalia; A) left lateral view, B) ventral view and C) dorsal view, scale bar = 1 mm. Remarks. The novel taxon’s placement in Eumyndus is strongly supported based on morphological characters. It lacks the median carina of the frons that is found in Myndus and the vertex is relatively broad and not excavate, whereas Nesomyndus possesses a narrow, concave vertex. While the general form of the aedeagus was not used by Synave (1956 , 1965 ) to distinguish Eumyndus from Myndus , the illustrations of the aedeagus of many species of Myndus appear quite different from the species of Eumyndus and appear more similar in general form to those of Haplaxius Fowler whereas the complex, subtended phallobase that appears in Eumyndus appears more similar to that of Myxia . Plant associations. Vonitra fibrosa (C.H. Wright) Becc. (order Arecales Bromhead , family Arecaceae Bercht. & J. Presl ). Type material. Holotype , male: “ Madagascar , Atsinanana , Mahavelona / Analalava Reserve / 27.I.2023 , Coll. : B.W.Bahder / Host: Vonitra fibrosa // Holotype / Eumyndus jeanjacquei /” ( FLREC ). Paratypes : 7 males , 6 females same locality as holotype; “ Madagascar , Atsinanana , Mahavelona / Analalava Reserve / 27.I.2023 , Coll. : B.W.Bahder / Host: Vonitra fibrosa ” (FLREC) . Distribution. Eastern Madagascar (Atsinanana Region, Toamasina II District, Mahavelona (Foulpointe) commune, Analalava Forest Reserve).