Neanurinae and Morulininae of Moldova (Collembola: Neanuridae), with description of Neanura moldavica sp. nov. Author Buşmachiu, Galina Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei str. 1, 2028 Chisinau, Moldova. E-mail: bushmakiu @ yahoo. com UMR 5202 CNRS / MNHN, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 50, 45 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. E-mail: deharven @ mnhn. fr Author Deharveng, Louis text Zootaxa 2008 2008-02-27 1714 1 61 66 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1714.1.6 1175­5334 5107659 Neanura moldavica sp.nov. Figs 1–16 , Table 1 Type material. Holotype male 10.iv.2006 , 16 paratypes 10.iv.2006 and 19.v.2006 ( 3 males , 7 females , 6 juveniles ) « Plaiul Fagului » natural Forest Reserve , village Radenii Vechi , Moldova ( N 47 0 17 , E 28 0 01 ) . Holotype and 7 paratypes in the Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences , Moldova . Six paratypes in the MNHN ( Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle , Paris ), France . Three paratypes in the ZIWU ( Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy , Zoological Institute , Wrocław University , Poland ) . Other material. The species is recorded from many localities in Moldova , from litter of all kinds of forest ( Pinus plantations, riverine forest, Fagus , Quercus , Populus ): Gura Bicului, 7 ex. ; Ivancea, 2 ex. ; Lozova, 3 ex. ; Nisporeni , 1 ex. ; Ocolina, 1 ex. ; Orheiul Vechi, 3 ex. ; Peresecina, 2 ex. ; Rascaieti, 1 ex. ; Stejareni, 5 ex. ; Talmaz, 1 ex. ; Tipova, 7 ex. ; Tudora, 5 ex. Etymology. The species name refers to the country name. Description. Body length: 1.2–1.7 mm. Color: blue. Ocelli 3+3, pigmented, subequal. All dorsal tubercles well developed. No cryptopygy. Three kinds of ordinary chaetae: thick subcylindrical, feebly scaled, narrowly sheathed, rounded apically, long and short macrochaetae ( Fig. 2–4 ); thin, acuminate, smooth, long to rather short mesochaetae on the lateral tubercles, ventrally and on appendages ( Fig. 5 ); very short, acuminate microchaetae An on Abd VI ( Fig. 6 ). Four kinds of s-chaetae: long but shorter than nearest macrochaetae on Th II-Abd V tergites ( Fig. 7 ); thick, rather long, bent on Ant IV (S1 to S8, Fig. 8 ) and Ant III organite (S2 and S4, Fig. 5 ); short on Ant III (S3 and S4); very short on Ant III (S1) and on DL of Th II ( Fig. 9 ). FIGURES 1–13. Neanura moldavica sp.nov. : 1, habitus, chaetotaxy and tubercles; 2, distal part of a long macrochaeta on Abd VI; 3, short macrochaeta (Di2) on Abd V; 4, short macrochaeta (DL6) on head; 5, microchaeta S1, chaeta S2 and ordinary mesochaeta of the Ant III organite; 6, ordinary microchaeta (An of Abd VI); 7, S-chaeta of Abd III tergite; 8, chaeta S3 of Ant IV; 9, microchaeta ms of Th. II; Neanura muscorum : 10, Ant I–II chaetotaxy, dorsal view. Ventral chaetae in dotted lines; *, additional chaetae of Ant I compared to standard chaetotaxy and additional chaetae of Ant II compared to N. moldavica ; Neanura moldavica sp.nov. : 11, Ant I–II chaetotaxy, dorsal view. Ventral chaetae in dotted lines; *, additional chaetae of Ant I compared to standard chaetotaxy; 12, labium and distal part of the labrum; 13, head chaetotaxy and tubercles. Head chaetotaxy and tubercles. S-chaetae of Ant IV of medium length, thick, bent, subequal; apical vesicle trilobed. Ant I with 8 chaetae, Ant II with 11 chaetae ( Figs 10–11 ). Ant III with Sgd half as long as Sgv. Buccal cone moderately elongate; labrum apically rounded; labium with four basal (E, F, f, G), three distal (A, C, D, with C longer than A and D) and at least three lateral chaetae (c, d, e) ( Fig. 12 ). Maxilla styliform, mandible thin, tridentate. Twelve tubercles on head, CL, Af, Oc, Di, De, So and DL fused to L ( Fig. 13 ). Tubercle AF with E on the edge, not free ( Fig. 14 ). Arrangement of the tubercles of the lateral area stable, almost identical to that of N. muscorum ( Fig. 15 ). Chaetotaxy of head not reduced ( Fig. 1 , Tab. 1 ). FIGURES 14–16. Neanura moldavica sp.nov. : 14, tubercles Af and CL on head; 15, lateral area and tubercle Oc on head; 16, tergites of Abd IV–VI. TABLE 1. Chaetotaxy of Neanura moldavica sp.nov. Cephalic chaetotaxy
Tubercle Number of chaetae Type of chaetae Chaetae
CL + 4 Ml F
Mc G
Af + 11 Ml AB
Mc or me CD
Oc + 3 Ml Ocm
Mc Ocp
Mc or me Oca
Di + 2 Ml Di1
Mc Di2
De + 2 Ml De1
Mc De2
DL+L + 10 Ml DL1,5, L1
Mc DL2,3,4,6, L2,3,4
So + 6 Ml So1
Mcc So2
me So3,4,5,6
Vi 6
Ve 11
Labrum 4/2,4
Labium 11, 2x*
Ant I-II 8, 11
Ant III 17 + 5s
Ant IV 8s+ i+or+12 mou
Postcephalic chaetotaxy
Di De DL L Scx2 Cx Tr Fe Ti
Th I 1 2 1 - 0 3 6 13 19
Th II 3 3+s 3+s+ms 3 2 7 6 12 19
Th III 3 4+s 3+s 3 2 8 6 11 18
Abd I 2 3+s 2 3-4 VT=4+4
Abd II 2 3+s 2 3 Ve=4-5 (Ve1 present)
Abd III 2 3+s 2 4 Fu=5me, 0mi Ve=4
Abd IV 2 2+s 3 7 Ve=8 VL=4
Abd V 2 --------------8+s-------------- Ag=3+3 L or VL=1
Abd VI -----------------7-------------------- Ve=14 An=2
* x extremely minute or indistinct Body and appendages chaetotaxy and tubercles. Postcephalic chaetotaxy as in Figs 1 , 16 and in Tab. 1 . No free chaetae on head and tergites (in particular Di2 and Di3 included in tubercles Di on tergites). On Th II–III, Di3 is present as a short macrochaeta. On Abd V, Di tubercles not fused axially even in juvenile specimens, Di3 is absent and Di2 is a short macrochaeta, about 3–5 times shorter than Di1. No modified ventral chaetae in the male. Chaeta M present on tibiotarsus. Claw untoothed. Discussion. N. moldavica is very similar to N. muscorum in most chaetotaxic characters. It differs from it by the absence of chaeta Di3 on Abd V, the position of chaeta E on the edge of tubercle Af (free in N. muscorum ) and the additional chaeta of Ant I more lateral than in N. muscorum ( Figs 10–11 ). Males were present in N. moldavica , while specimens of N. muscorum from Moldova that we examined were females, as in most (all?) populations of central Europe. N . pseudoparva Rusek, 1963 is also very similar to the new species and was collected in Ukraine (Carpathians and Crimea ). According to the original description, it differs from N. moldavica by a different arrangement of the dorso-internal tubercles and chaetae of Abd V: the tubercles Di are fused on the axis (separate in N. moldavica ) and the chaeta Di3 is present (absent in N. moldavica ). N. moldavica was abundant in the samples examined from Moldova , while N. muscorum and N. minuta were rare.