Systematics of the family Ariidae (Ostariophysi, Siluriformes), with a redefinition of the genera. Author Alexandre P. Marceniuk Author Naércio A. Menezes text Zootaxa 2007 1416 1 126 journal article z01416p001 Hemiarius sumatranus (Anonymous, 1830) Bagrus sumatranus Anonymous, 1830: 691. Type locality: Sumatra , Indonesia . Syntypes : BMNH 1855.12.26.485 . Distribution: South and southeast Asia. Countries: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Indonesia. Habitat: Marine, brackish and fresh waters. Maximum size: 320 mm TL. Material examined: CAS 140223 (6 al, 54-70 mm TL) (1 c&s), Mayanmar , Rangoon .