Revision of Ishigakia Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Acaenitinae) from Japan, with a new species having a close relative in South Africa Author Ito, Masato Author Maeto, Kaoru text Zootaxa 2016 4136 1 174 180 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4136.1.9 c783a0ee-96fd-4055-ab47-ca64e66eb2c4 1175-5326 266354 B5CD8C1A-1E3B-40E3-BF66-DE562B9D41F0 Key to the world species of Ishigakia (modified from Wang (1983)) 1. Body black.......................................................................................... 2 - Body yellowish brown................................................................................ 8 2. Fore wing without dark marking.......................................................................... 3 - Fore wing with one or two dark markings.................................................................. 5 3. Hind leg entirely black. China (Fujian and Hubei).................................................. I. nigra Wang - Hind femur at least with a yellow part.................................................................... 4 4. Hind femur black except for the apical yellowish brown area. Taiwan and India ....................... I. alecto (Morley) - Hind femur yellowish brown except for the apical black area. Primorsky........................... I. nigripes (Meyer) 5. Fore wing with an apical dark marking. China (Jiangxi and Sichuan).......................... I. maculata Sun & Sheng - Fore wing with two dark markings........................................................................ 6 6. Apical black marking of fore wing extending downwards; black marking below the stigma rounded. South Africa .............................................................................................. I . wahlbergi (Roman) - Apical black marking of fore wing rounded and not extending downwards; black marking below the stigma extending to vein Cu1a ............................................................................................... 7 7. Head black; female antennal flagellum yellowish brown subapically but without a white band. Japan (Honshu)................................................................................................. I . albitarsa sp. nov. - Head reddish brown with some black markings; female antennal flagellum with a distinct white band subapically. China (Jiangxi)............................................................................ I. alaica Sheng & Sun 8. Vein Rs&M distad to the vein cu-a intercepted near the middle................................................. 9 - Vein Rs&M opposite to the vein cu-a intercepted above the middle............................................. 10 9. Area superomedia longer than wide. China (Sichuan)............................................. I. tertia Momoi - Area superomedia wider than long. China (Guangxi)........................................... I. rufa Sheng & Sun 10. Area basalis wider than long; areas superomedia and petiolaris divided by a transverse carina. Japan (Ryukyus).................................................................................................. I. exetasea Uchida - Area basalis longer than wide; area superomedia confluent with area petiolaris.................................... 11 11. T1 3.2 times as long as wide; subgenital plate far beyond of the apex of metasomal tergite. China (Yunnan)...................................................................................................... I. longipedis Wang - T1 2.5 times as long as wide; subgenital plate shorter than the apex of metasomal tergite. China (Sichuan).... I. corpora Wang