Review of the genus Monotheca (Hydrozoa: Leptolida) from Australia with description of a new species and a note on Monothecella Stechow, 1923
Watson, Jeanette E.
Memoirs of Museum Victoria
journal article
Monotheca australis
Kirchenpauer, 1876
Fig. 1H–N
Plumularia obliqua
Kirchenpauer, 1876: 49
, pl. 6, fig. 10.—
Von Lendenfeld, 1885a: 474
Stranks, 1993: 8
Plumularia australis
Bale, 1884: 143
, pl. 12, figs 7, 8.—
Von Lendenfeld, 1885a: 475
Bartlett, 1907: 42
Mulder and Trebilcock, 1916: 77
, pl. 10, figs 1–1b.—
Bedot, 1921: 26
Stechow, 1921: 260
Blackburn, 1938: 316
Blackburn, 1942: 108
Watson, 1973: 189
Staples and Watson, 1987: 218
Watson, 1992: 220
Plumularia compressa
Bale, 1882: 31
, pl. 15, fig. 5.—
Bale, 1884: 142
, pl. 12, figs 9, 10, pl. 19, figs 39, 40.—
Von Lendenfeld, 1885a: 475
Stranks, 1993: 9
Plumularia aurita
Bale, 1888: 784
, pl. 19, figs 16–19.
Monothecella australis
Stechow, 1923a: 13
Stechow, 1923b: 221
Leloup, 1932: 160
Monotheca australis
Watson, 2003: 252
Material examined.
The Kirchenpauer dry hydroid collection in Museum
holds material (
F58239) labelled (presumably in Kirchenpauer’s handwriting) ‘
Monopyxis australis
Port Phillip
) on
c. 1865’.
Material in author’s collection
: i) from the seagrasses
Amphibolis antarctica
Amphibolis griffithi
; Torquay,
, depth
3 m
7 June 1970
. Queenscliff,
, depth
3 m
, coll: J. Watson,
15 October 1986
. Portland,
, depth
3 m
14 May 1969
. Tipara Reef, Gulf St Vincent,
South Australia
, depth
5 m
, coll: J. Watson,
24 November 1970
. Starvation Bay,
Western Australia
, depth
2 m
, coll: J. Watson,
11 January 1986
. Point Peron,
Western Australia
, depth
3 m
, coll: J. Watson,
26 January 1986
. Whitfords Reef, Marmion,
Western Australia
, depth
4 m
, coll: J. Watson,
6 February 1986
. Cockburn Sound,
Western Australia
, depth
6 m
12 October 1983
. Starvation Bay,
Western Australia
, depth
6 m
, coll: J. Watson,
13 January 1986
. ii) from seagrasses
Posidonia australis
Posidonia sinuosa
; Gulf St Vincent,
South Australia
, depth
10 m
, coll: J. Watson,
14 December 1968
. Gulf St Vincent,
South Australia
, depth
12 m
10 November 1968
. Whitfords Reef, Marmion,
Western Australia
, depth
3 m
, coll: J. Watson,
22 November 1983
. Whitfords Reef, Marmion,
Western Australia
, depth
24 m
, coll: J. Watson,
30 January 1986
Description (from mounted and preserved material).
Stems to
7 mm
high, arising from a hydrorhiza reptant on seagrass leaf, stolons broad and flat with flexion joints. Stems monosiphonic, unbranched, sometimes with a short athecate basal internode, following internodes all of same length, cylindrical, smooth, widening to distal apophysis; node above apophysis transverse, narrow.
Hydrocladia alternate, in one plane, one distal on internode, given off below node on an upwardly directed apophysis with slightly oblique distal node. Hydrocladium with a short proximal athecate internode with thick walls and a strong, almost transverse distal node, hydrothecate internode considerably longer than athecate internode, base slightly convex, distal end blunt, ending below hydrothecal margin, no intranodal septa.
Hydrotheca seated in a concavity of internode, occupying almost entire internode, slightly laterally compressed, posterior quarter of abcauline wall strongly convex, then becoming straight to margin, base of hydrotheca divided into two segments by a strong intrathecal septum passing obliquely backwards into hydrotheca from margin, a small circular foramen in floor of hydrotheca, location variable from midbase to posterior of hydrotheca; margin perpendicular to or slightly oblique to hydrocladial axis, rim weakly to noticeably sinuous, margin slightly everted with thickened perisarc.
Nematothecae of two different shapes and sizes: one cauline similar to laterals in axil of hydrocladial apophysis, a small cylindrical hydrostatic pore (mamelon of former authors) on apophysis beside base of nematotheca; one hydrocladial median inferior on hydrothecate internode between base of hydrotheca and node, base robust, cup incipiently bithalamic, scoop shaped, sometimes without a line of demarcation between cup and base, closely adpressed to wall of hydrotheca, a distinct flange connecting abcauline wall with internode; twin lateral nematothecae bithalamic, directed outwards or downwards in front of hydrotheca, base large, cup excavated adcaudally to base.
One to three gonothecae borne on lower stem, male and female often on same stem; gonothecae large, turgid, inserted on a short, smooth pedicel below apophysis, standing out perpendicularly from stem or recumbent to substrate, abcauline (upper) wall inflated, adcauline wall straight to weakly convex, body narrowing distally to an upwardly bent cylindrical neck with a wide circular thickened aperture with broadly everted rim. Immature female gonophore with several ova, reduced to one large planula at maturity.
Perisarc of stems thick, translucent white when young, becoming pale-straw coloured with age; gonotheca brown, female gonophore cream.