Chewing lice of the Brueelia-complex (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) parasitic on members of the Campephagidae (Aves: Passeriformes), with description of a new subgenus and 14 new species Author Gustafsson, Daniel R. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilisation, Guangdong Public Library of Wild Animal Conserva- Author Bush, Sarah E. 0000-0002-2913-4876 School of Biological Sciences, University of Utah, 257 S. 1400 E., Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2913 - 4876 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-07-13 5165 1 1 55 journal article 96409 10.11646/zootaxa.5165.1.1 e0b81d80-9028-405c-ba4a-4f78e464e730 1175-5326 6825547 A03F9711-19D7-4D7A-B30E-842DA141B2A0 Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) cinitemnina Gustafsson & Bush, new species ( Figs 50–56 ) Type host. Edolisoma melas melas (Lesson, 1828) – black cicadabird. Type locality. Oransbari , West Papua Province , Indonesia . Diagnosis. Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) cinitemnina new species is most similar to In. ( In. ) incisoma but can be separated from this and all other known species in the subgenus by the following characters: proximal mesosome with flat proximal margin, and with antero-lateral extensions long and slender, almost reaching lateral margins of basal apodeme ( Figs 53–54 ); gonopore of unique shape among all species of the genus ( Fig. 54 ); female abdominal segment VI with only 1 ps on each side ( Fig. 51 ). FIGURES 43–44. Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) zambica new species ex Coracina pectoralis . 43, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 44, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views. FIGURES 45–49. Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) zambica new species ex Coracina pectoralis . 45, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 46, male genitalia, dorsal view. 47, male mesosome, ventral view. 48, male paramere, dorsal view. 49, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view. FIGURES 50–51. Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) cinitemnina new species ex Edolisoma melas melas . 50, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 51, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views. FIGURES 52–56. Indoceoplanetes ( Indoceoplanetes ) cinitemnina new species ex Edolisoma melas melas . 52, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 53, male genitalia, dorsal view. 54, male mesosome, ventral view. 55, male paramere, dorsal view. 56, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view. Description. Both sexes . Head rounded trapezoidal ( Fig. 52 ), lateral margins of preantennal head slightly convex, frons slightly concave. Marginal carina broad, narrowing anterior to dsms , deeply displaced and widened at osculum. Ventral anterior plate rounded, with concave anterior margin and straight lateral margins. Head chaetotaxy as in Fig. 52 . Preantennal nodi wide, bulging. Pre- and post-ocular nodi large, connected dorsally by ocular band. Marginal temporal carina slender. Gular plate triangular, lateral margins slightly concave. Thoracic and abdominal segments as in Figs 50–51 . Base pigmentation translucent; head nodi dark brown; mandibular framework, margins of antennal sockets, gular plate, proepimera, and metepisterna medium brown; sternal plates II–VI and subgenital plates pale brown. Male. Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 50 ; sternite IV with 1 sts on each side. Basal apodeme rounded proximally ( Fig. 53 ), lateral margins concave. Proximal mesosome with slender antero-lateral extensions that almost reach lateral margins of basal apodeme ( Figs 53–54 ), proximal margin flat. Mesosomal lobes divergent distally. Distal margin of mesosome flat to slightly convex. Gonopore distally bifid, with slightly hooked anterolateral extensions. Dorsal fringe tilted slightly posteriorly, without thumb-like process. Chaetotaxy: 2 ventral gpmes microsetae on each side of distal gonopore; 2 lpmes microsetae on each side on mesosomal lobes; 1 dorsal ames microseta on each side proximal to dorsal fringe. Parameres and pst1–2 as in Fig. 55 . Female. Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 51 ; abdominal segment VI with 1 ps on each side. Subgenital plate as in Fig. 56 , lateral margins sinuous, distal margin broadly flattened. Vulval margin concave medianly, with 2 short, slender vms and 1 short, thorn-like vss on each side; 4–7 short, slender vos on each side of subgenital plate; distal 2–3 vos distal to vss , and about twice as long as vms . Measurements as in Table 1 . Etymology. The species epithet is derived from Latin “ cinis ” for “ash” and Greek “ temnein ” for “I cut”, referring to the ashy plumage of the host. Type material. Ex Edolisoma melas melas [ as Coracina meleana ]: Holotype , Oransbari , elev. 10 ft. , West Papua Province , Indonesia [as West New Guinea District], 4 Feb. 1963 , M.C. Thompson , BBM-NG-22381 ( BPBM ) [marked with black dot on slide]. Paratypes : 2♂ , 9♀ , same data as holotype ( BPBM ) .