New species and new records of Ampithoidae (Peracarida: Amphipoda) from Australian Waters Author Hughes, Lauren E. Author Peart, Rachael A. text Zootaxa 2013 3719 1 1 102 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3719.1.1 523becce-8715-4b42-bab0-a66766621afd 1175-5326 246657 1F275DB9-0D3B-4322-9F21-A402F1384D8C Plumithoe quadrimana (Haswell, 1879) ( Fig. 64 ) Ampithoe quadrimanus Haswell, 1879: 337 , pl. 21, fig. 7.—Springthorpe & Lowry, 1994: 129. Ampithoe quadrimana .—Stebbing, 1906: 635. Plumithoe quadrimana .—Poore & Lowry, 1997: 932, figs 26–29. Plumithoe quadrimanus .—Lowry & Stoddart, 2003: 62 (catalogue).— Hughes & Lowry, 2009: 211–214, figs 35–36. Type locality. Port Jackson, New South Wales , Australia . Material examined. Norfolk Island : Male , 4.0 mm, dissected, 3 slides, AM P.90121, ‘The Wall’ dive site, Nepean Island ( 29°04’18”S 167°57’41”E ), 10 m , tufted red and brown algae, 15 May 2008 , coll. J.K. Lowry (MI NFK 43); 10 specimens , AM P.81568, ‘The Wall’ dive site, Nepean Island ( 29°04’18”S 167°57’41”E ), 10 m , tufted red and brown algae, 15 May 2008 , coll. J.K. Lowry (MI NFK 43); 7 specimens , AM P.81569, Swiss Cheese Reef, near Kingston wharf ( 29°00’23”S 167°56’50”E ), 15 m , large pieces of rubble with tufted algae, 19 May 2008 , coll. J.K. Lowry (MI NFK 76); 1 specimen , AM P.81570, Cow Bay, Phillip Island ( 29°00’10”S 167°57’03”E ), 12 m , red and brown algae on rocks, 14 May 2008 , coll. L.E. Hughes (MI NFK 32); 2 specimens , AM P.81572, Gun Club reef, near Anson Point ( 29°00’25”S 167°54’45”E ), 10 m , algae over coral, 17 May 2008 , coll. R.T. Springthorpe (MI NFK 64); 1 specimen , AM P.81573, Cathedral Rock ( 29°00’13”S 167°56’57”E ), 10.7 m , sediment and algae from rock face, 13 May 2008 , coll. R.T. Springthorpe (MI NFK 8). New Zealand . Kermadec Islands: 2 specimens , AM P.90122, Fishing Rock landing, Raoul Island ( 29°15’03”S 177°54’12”W ), 5 m , scrapings from rock wall, 17 May 2011 (K 2011-49 -5); 2 specimens , AM P.90123, Milne Islets, Raoul Island ( 29°16’57”S 177°54’10”W ), 21 m , tufting algae, 15 May 2011 (K 2011-23-4 ); 5 specimens , AM P.90124, northwest corner, North Meyer Island ( 29°14’30”S 177°52’40”W ), 5–15.5 m , clumping red algae, 13 May 2011 (K 2011-10-5 ). Distribution. Australia . New South Wales : Port Jackson (Haswell 1879; Lowry & Poore 1997). Queensland: Great Barrier Reef (Hughes & Lowry 2009). Tasman Sea: Norfolk Island (current study). New Zealand : Kermadec Islands (current study).