New species and new records of Ampithoidae (Peracarida: Amphipoda) from Australian Waters Author Hughes, Lauren E. Author Peart, Rachael A. text Zootaxa 2013 3719 1 1 102 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3719.1.1 523becce-8715-4b42-bab0-a66766621afd 1175-5326 246657 1F275DB9-0D3B-4322-9F21-A402F1384D8C Ampithoe cf ramondi Audouin, 1826 Material examined. Norfolk Island : Male , 10.6 mm , dissected, 4 slides, AM P.90276, near Anson Point, Gun Club reef ( 29°00’25”S 167°54’45”E ), 18 m , coral rubble and green algae Halimeda sp. from reef, 17 May 2008 , coll. R.T. Springthorpe (MI NFK 63); 5 specimens , AM P.81567, near Anson Point, Gun Club Reef ( 29°00’25”S 167°54’45”E ), 18 m , coral rubble and green algae Halimeda sp. from reef, 17 May 2008 , coll. R.T. Springthorpe (MI NFK 63); 1 specimen , AM P.81564, Duncombe Bay ( 29°03’30”S 167°57’13”E ), 15 m , broad leaf brown algae on stones and coralline or polychaete tubes, 13 May 2008 , coll. J.K. Lowry (MI NFK 13); 12 specimens , AM P.81565, Duncombe Bay ( 29°03’30”S 167°57’13”E ), 16 m , rock wall, encrusting bryozoans, algae, coral, 13 May 2008 , coll. R.T. Springthorpe (MI NFK 18); 4 specimens , AM P.81566, Phillip Island , east of Sail Rock ( 29°06’55”S 167°57’31”E ), 13 m , low turfing brown algae, 14 May 2008 , coll. L.E. Hughes (MI NFK 26). Remarks. Material attributed to A. cf ramondi , A. rachanoi Peart, 2002 and A. rosema Peart, 2007 b are part of the A. ramondi complex, a grouping that requires further study (Myers 2012). This species is cited throughout the Indo-Pacific region and where illustrated, material shows morphological character variation which requires further investigation. A full analysis of this complex across its presently reported geographic range is beyond the scope of this study. Distribution. Currently regarded as cosmopolitan. Tasman Sea: Norfolk Island (current study).