Description of a new species of the Ponerine ant genus, Emeyopone (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Karnataka, India. Author Varghese, T. text Biospectra 2006 1 89 92 journal article 21199 Genus Emeryopone Forel Emeryopone Forel, 1912 3: 761. Type species: Emeryopone buttelreepeni , by monotypy. Emeryopone buttelreepeni Forel, 1913 4,36:15 (w.) Emeryopone junior synonym of Belonopelta: Baroni Urbani 1, 1975: 296. Revived from synonymy: Bolton, 1995:28. General Diagnosis of the genus: Small to medium size, mandibles long with 5-6 tooth, apical tooth unusually long, and broadly curved. Antennae 12 segmented with 3 segmented club. Eyes formed from one to ten ommatidia. Frontal lobes present. Alitrunk with well developed sutures. Petiole squamose with a well formed subpetiolar process. Hind tibia with a single pectinate spur. Body generally sculptured. List of Emeryopone species There are 5 species of Emeryopone , known from Sumatra, Nepal, Israel, China and India. 1. Emeryopone buttelreepeni Forel 3 1912: 762 (w.) 2. Emeryopone(Belonopelta)franzi (Baroni Urbani *) 19755:305 (w.) (Revived from synonymy5) 3. Emeryopone(Belonopelta)loebli (Baroni Urbani1) 1975:307 (w.) (Revived from synonymy5) 4. Emeryopone melaina Xu2 1998:122 (w., q.) 5. Emeryopone narendrani sp.nov. Key to known species of the genus Emeryopone (Fig. 4) 1. Small in size, total length less than 3.20mm, HL 0.73mm, HW 0.58mm, SL 0.56m------- loebli (Baroni Urbani) Larger in size, total length more than 3.50mm, HL> 0.80mm, HW> 0.70mm, SL> 0.60mm------ ______________________________2 2. Head length> 1.0mm, HW>0.80mm, SL> 0.80mm---------------------------3 - Head length <1.0, HW<0.80, SL<0.80---------4 3. Petiolar node in profile broadly triangular, PTL 0.40mm, PTW 0.44mm, CI 0.77mm, SI 1.30mm, PTI 1.67m-------------------- franzi (Baroni Urbani) Petiolar node in profile rectangular, PTL 0.37mm, PTW 0.53mm, CI 0.80mm, SI 1.04mm, PTI 1.40mm--------------------------------------------- melaina Xhenghui Xu 4. Total length 4.00-4.50mm, CI 0.82mm, SI 1.22mm, ANTMI 0.48mm, PTI 1.60mm, eyes larger in size - ------------------------------ buttelreepeni(Forel) Total length 3.8mm, CI 0.86mm, SI 1.29mm, ANTMI 0.43mm, PTI 1.22mm, eyes very small 0.05m---------------------------- narendrani sp nov.