Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Evanioidea Author Broad, Gavin R. Author Livermore, Laurence text Biodiversity Data Journal 2014 2 1116 1116 journal article 1314-2828--1116 Evania appendigaster (Linnaeus, 1758) Ichneumon appendigaster Linnaeus, 1758 Ichneumon niger (de Geer, 1773, Ichneumon ) Evania laevigata Olivier, 1792 Evania unicolor Say, 1824 Evania desjardinsi Blanchard, 1840 Evania affinis Le Guillou, 1841 Evania cubae Guerin-Meneville , 1844 Evania peringueyi Cameron, 1906 Notes # Presumably an introduction to Britain as it parasitises the oothecae of non-native synanthropic cockroaches ( Blattidae ). Crosskey (1951) could find no locality data for British specimens and there are no relevant specimens in NHM.