Taxonomy of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Namibia: a key to genera, diagnoses, new records and description of a new species Author Couri, Márcia Souto Author de Carvalho, Claudio J. B. Author Pont, Adrian C. text African Invertebrates 2012 2012-06-30 53 1 47 47 journal article 10.5733/afin.053.0103 2305-2562 Musca albina Wiedemann, 1830 Diagnosis: Eye bare; anterior spiracle white; postalar ridge without setulae; proepisternal depression bare; dorsocentral setae 0+1; katepisternal setae absent; fore tibia without posterior seta in apical half, mid tibia with 2 or 3 posterior setae. Material examined: NAMIBIA : Caprivi : ƚƂ:HVW &DSULYL 3DUN, 1RYD, ƽ NP 1, ƚ 8°o 9‵ƽϬ̎6 ƻƚ°44‵ ƚ̎(, 16–18.xii.1999 , E.Marais , D.J. Mann & D. Newman. Erongo : ƻƂ % UDQGEHUJ 'LVW.,0 DVRQ 6 KHOWHU,ƻƚ°o4‵ 9̎6 ƚ4°oƽ‵4 ̎(, ƚ7ƽo P, ƽ±ƚ4.LLL.ƻooƻ, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV & (. 0 DUDLV , 0 DODLVH WUDS , ULYHUEHG . Kavango : ƚƂ +HUHURODQG ( DVW , ( LVHE 5 LYHU ,: HVWHUQ 9 HWHULQDU\) HQFH , ƻo° 8‵6 ƻo°oƽ‵(, ƚ7.[L.ƚ988, (. 0 DUDLV . Kunene : ƚƃ 2 SXZR 'LVW., 6HVIRQWHLQ)RUW, ƚ 8°o 7‵ƚƽ̎6 ƚ ° 7‵o ̎(, ƚ±.L.ƻooo, (. 0 DUDLV , '.-. 0DQQ & '. 1 HZPDQ , VZHHSLQJ ; ƚƃ. KRUL [DV 'LVW., /HHXNRS ϬϬ4, ƚ9°ƽ ‵ƚƽ̎6 ƚ4°ƻƚ‵44̎(, ƻϬ± o.[.ƻooƚ, $.+..LUN― Spriggs & E. Marais , Malaise trap , riverbed (all NMNW ). Omaheke : 4Ƃ *REDELV 'LVW., 6RPHUNRPV ƽƻƚ, ƻƻ°oƚ‵ƽ9̎6 ƚ9°ƽ7‵ƻƻ̎(, Ϭ±8.LL.ƻooƚ, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV & (. 0 DUDLV , 0 DODLVH WUDS (ƚƂ 015-, Ƃƚ '=83, RWKHU 101 :); ƚƂ *REDELV 'LVW., 'H +RHN 878, ƻƚ°ƽϬ‵ƻϬ̎6 ƻo°ƽ8‵ƽƽ̎(, ±Ϭ.LL.ƻooƚ, $.+..LUN―6 SULJJV & (. 0 DUDLV , 0 DODLVH WUDS VDPSOH ; ƚƂ +HUHURODQG ( DVW , ( SXNLUR 5 LYHU , o NP 1(6WHHQERNODJWH, ƻƚ°ƚ8‵6 ƻo° ƽ‵(, ƻ.[L.ƚ988, (. 0 DUDLV ( DOO 101 :). Distribution: In xeric areas of the Afrotropical and southern Palaearctic regions and the Indian subregion.