The genus Coleus (Lamiaceae) in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi), with the description of 15 new species Author Meerts, Pierre J. 0000-0003-4215-027X Meise Botanic Garden, Nieuwelaan 38, BE- 1860 Meise, Belgium & Université Libre de Bruxelles, Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50 CP 244, BE- 1050 Brussels, Belgium & Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Service général de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique, Brussels, Belgium Author Paton, Alan J. 0000-0002-6052-6675 The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond TW 9 3 AB, UK text PhytoKeys 2024 2024-09-02 246 71 178 journal article 302074 10.3897/phytokeys.246.129476 b381880a-e0bb-4b02-ad0f-2f90a0b6c995 Coleus maculosus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A. J. Paton , Phytokeys 129: 69. 2019 . Coleus edulis Vatke , Linnaea 37: 319. 1872 . Plectranthus edulis (Vatke) Agnew , Upland Kenya Wild Fl.: 640. 1974. Coleus maculosus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A. J. Paton (2019) 69. Type: Ethiopia (“ Abyssinia ”), near Gaffat, Oct 1863 , G . W . Schimper 1212 ( holotype B destroyed; isotype BM [ BM 000514932 ], K [ K 000431925 ], [ K 000431923 ]). Plectranthus punctatus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A. J. Paton , Fl. Trop. E. Afr., Lamiac.: 350. 2009 . = Coleus fimbriatus Lebrun & L. Touss. , Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 17: 79. 1943 . Plectranthus fimbriatus (Lebrun & L. Touss.) Troupin & Ayob. , Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 55: 299. 1985 . Type: DR. Congo , Mt Mushumangabo, Aug 1937 , J. Lebrun 7163 ( holotype BR [ BR 0000006262945 ], [ BR 0000006263270 ]). Description. Paton et al. (2009: 350) , as Plectranthus punctatus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A. J. Paton. Distribution. Ethiopia , Kenya , Uganda , Tanzania , Burundi , Rwanda and DR. Congo . Habitat and ecology. Mountain forest, savannah, fallow field, marshland, swamp, river banks, riparian forest; 1600–3100 m elev. Additional specimens. DR. Congo , Lac Albert , Nioka, 27 Oct 1934 , A. P. De Craene 229 * ( BR , WAG ); Lacs Edouard et Kivu , Tshirunge, 5 Oct 1914 , J. Bequaert 5997 ( BR ); Parc National Albert [Virunga], volcan Niamlagyra, aux environs de Mushumangabo, 17 Jan 1942 , R . Germain 1258 ( BR ); W du Lac Kivu, Feb-Mar 1929, H . Humbert 7527 * & 7528 ( BR ); Mont Kahuzi, 28 May 1960 , Meurillon 953 * ( BR , LWI ); Haut-Katanga , Parc National de l’Upemba. Lubanga, 17 Apr 1948 , G . F. de Witte 03726 ( BR ). Rwanda , Mukono, Byumba, Dec 1932 , A. Becquet 189 * ( BR ); Rwasenkoko, route Butare-Cyangugu, km 67, 1 Mar 1980 , D. Bridson 468 ( BR , K ); Gikongoro, Kivu, Rubyiro, 16 Aug 1999 , C . Ewango & Ngayabahiga 2195 * ( BR , GIS , M , MO , WAG ); Route Astrida [Butare] - Shangugu, km 65, 7 Mar 1958 , M . Reynders 239 ( BR ); Route Bukavu-Astrida [Butare], env. Uwinka, colline Bunyereri, 7 Aug 1959 , G . Troupin 10566 * ( BR ). Burundi , Muramvya , Mont Manga Mugongo, 4 Jun 1966 , J. Lewalle 883 ( BR ); Muramvya , Nyabigonde, 3 Apr 1966 , J. Lewalle 642 * ( BR ); Nyakirwa, 21 Jan 1977 , M . Reekmans 5647 * ( BR ); Province: Ngozi , Commune: Mukora (Rwegura), 27 Apr 1977 , M . Reekmans 6046 ( BR ); Ijenda, 8 May 1981 , M . Reekmans 10137 * ( BR , WAG ). Note. Subsp. edulis is variable in petiole length and blade shape; morphs with subsessile leaves and oblong-elliptic blade up to 14 cm long (specimens indicated “ * ” hereabove) correspond to the type of C. edulis ; morphs with ovate, petiolate leaves correspond to the type of C. fimbriatus .