Revision of the genus Acryptolaria Norman, 1875 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Lafoeidae) Author Peña Cantero, Alvaro L. Author Marques, Antonio C. Author Migotto, Alvaro E. text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-03-26 41 5 - 8 229 291 journal article 10.1080/00222930701228132 1464-5262 4582056 Acryptolaria tortugasensis Leloup, 1935 ( Figures 14 , 16F , 18F , 19G ; Table XIV) Acryptolaria tortugasensis Leloup 1935 , p 13 , Figures 3 , 4 ; Bouillon et al. 1995 , p 51. Material examined Holoype: IRSNB , IG 10497 , 10 June 1925 , Tortugas, Florida , USA , one colony (alcohol) and two microslide preparations . Description One colony composed of a distally truncated, erect stem ca 60 mm in height, completely polysiphonic except for distal ends of branches. Main stem giving rise to lateral branches in approximately one plane, usually in an opposite or sub-opposite pattern, but with irregularities. Branches directed upwards with an angle of ca 60 ° or larger. Lateral branches polysiphonic, up to third-order, usually alternate or sub-opposite in one plane. Hydrothecae alternately arranged in two planes, forming a wide angle, sometimes close to 90 ° . Hydrotheca cylindrical, straight at adnate part, strongly curved outwards when it becomes free. Free part of adcauline hydrothecal wall convex. Abcauline wall straight basally, becoming concave at distal third with a marked inflexion point associated to a conspicuous internal cusp. Hydrothecal aperture circular, almost parallel to long axis of branch. Rim even, though slightly everted, with one or two short renovations. Coppinia not observed. Remarks Although this species has been considered conspecific with A. conferta by several authors (e.g. Fraser 1944 ; Vervoort 1968 ; Calder 1991 ), it can be distinguished from all other species. Acryptolaria tortugasensis is unique in the internal cusp present in the abcauline hydrothecal wall. It is also characterized by the obtuse angle, close to 90 ° , formed by the Table XIV. Morphometric data of the type material of Acryptolaria tortugasensis (in Mm).
Mean¡SD Range n
Length of abcauline wall 708.0¡11.0 700–720 5
Length of free adcauline wall 262.2¡55.4 200–380 9
Length of adnate adcauline wall 652.0¡53.6 590–700 5
Length of adcauline wall 905.0¡30.4 865–950 5
Ratio adnate/free adcauline wall 2–3.5
Diameter at aperture 157.8¡6.7 150–170 9
Diameter at base 78.8¡2.5 75–80 4
Larger group 29.3¡0.8X9.9¡0.4 28–30X9–10.5 9
Smaller group 5.5¡0.5X2.8¡0.3 5–6X2.5–3 5
Figure 14. Acryptolaria tortugasensis Leloup, 1935 . (A–F) Branch fragments showing shape and arrangement of hydrothecae. All drawings from the holotype. Scale bar: 1 mm (A); 400 Mm (B–F). Figure 15. Hydrothecal arrangement in Acryptolaria . (A) A. abies ; (B) A. conferta ; (C) A. corniformis ; (D) A. crassicaulis ; (E) A. flabellum ; (F) A. gracilis . Scale bar: 500 Mm (A, B, D, E); 250 Mm (C); 100 Mm (F). Figure 16. Hydrothecal arrangement in Acryptolaria (continued). (A) A. longitheca ; (B) A. minima ; (C) A. minuta ; (D) A. operculata ; (E) A. pulchella ; (F) A. tortugasensis . Scale bar: 500 Mm (A, D); 250 Mm (B, C, E, F). Figure 17. Shape of hydrotheca in Acryptolaria . (A) A. abies ; (B) A. angulata ; (C) A. conferta ; (D) A. corniformis ; (E) A. crassicaulis ; (F) A. flabellum . Scale bar: 250 Mm. Figure 18. Shape of hydrotheca in Acryptolaria (continued). (A) A. gracilis ; (B) A. longitheca ; (C) A. minima ; (D) A. operculata ; (E) A. pulchella ; (F) A. tortugasensis . Scale bar: 100 Mm (A, C, F); 250 Mm (B, D, E). Figure 19. Shape of gonothecae: (A) Acryptolaria conferta ; (B) A. minima . Detail of different structures: (C) bottleneck-shaped basal part of hydrotheca in A. gracilis ; (D) opercular structure in A. minima ; (E) opercular structure in A. operculata ; (F) longitudinal striae in hydrotheca of A. flabellum ; (G) intrathecal cusp of A. tortugasensis . Scale bar: 100 Mm (A, B, D, F, G); 50 Mm (C); 250 Mm (E). Table XV. Comparative morphometric data of the species of Acryptolaria (in Mm).
A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.
abies angulata conferta bulbosa corniformis crassicaulis flabellum gracilis longitheca minima minuta operculata pulchella 600–800 784–952 700–944 680–760 1600–1900 1144–1440 700–960 760–920 940–1144 392–480 465–650 1800–2100 650–800 623–769 700–720 220–380 291–425 280–440 280–440 680–930 416–696 230–504 176–320 420–680 48–136 146–308 910–1070 150–260 440–495 200–380 500–680 392–719 560–760 400–520 920–1300 976–1120 490–880 720–864 712–784 384–496 353–463 1400–1700 600–840 366–513 590–700 780–1056 706–1032 1392–1736 496–592 554–756 2320–2670 820–1090 806–1008 865–950 1.7–2.7 1.2–2.3 1.4–2.4 0.9–1.9 1.1–1.6 1.5–2.7 1.4–3.8 2.4–4.5 1.1–1.8 3–10.2 1.5–3.1 1.3–1.9 2.7–5 0.8–1 2–3.5 152–216 156–179 180–208 152–160 320–400 232–256 136–160 200–232 240–280 120–136 95–119 400–450 250–280 183–220 150–170 70–110 78–101 70–96 72–88 100–120 104–120 75–104 80–100 100–128 64–80 56–73 200–210 130–150 92–110 75–80 15X5
Smaller group
alternate hydrothecae. It is also the Acrytolaria species with the largest nematocysts (cf. Table XV ). Distribution Acryptolaria tortugasensis is only known from Tortugas , Florida , USA . Key to the known species of Acryptolaria ( A. andersoni excluded)
1. Hydrothecae abruptly abcaulinarly curved............ 2 – Hydrothecae homogeneously abcaulinarly curved......... 4 2. Hydrotheca curved once............. A. rectangularis – Hydrotheca curved twice. Abcauline wall with a sharp invagination at approxi- mately half of its length................. 3 3. Adcauline wall with a strong invagination at approximately half of its length..................... A. angulata – Adcauline wall without that invagination......... A. bulbosa 4. Diameter of hydrothecae clearly smaller at adnate part........ 5 – Diameter of hydrothecae more or less constant throughout....... 9 5. Basal part of hydrothecae bottleneck-shaped......... A. gracilis – Diameter of hydrothecae in adnate part decreasing towards hydrothecal base (hydrothecae horn-shaped)................ 6 6. Hydrotheca large. Diameter at aperture.300 Mm...... A. corniformis – Diameter at aperture,300 Mm............... 7 7. Half of adcauline hydrothecal wall adnate to internode. Free adcauline wall more or less straight................. A. longitheca – Two-thirds of adcauline wall adnate. Free adcauline wall convex..... 8 8. Length of abcauline hydrothecal wall,1000 Mm. Length of larger nematocysts.19 Mm.................... A. conferta – Length of abcauline hydrothecal wall.1000 Mm. Length of larger nematocysts,17 Mm.................. A. crassicaulis 9. Diameter of hydrothecal aperture up to 160 Mm.......... 10 – Diameter of hydrothecal aperture larger............ 12 10. Length of adcauline hydrothecal wall.1000 Mm....... A. flabellum – Hydrothecae tiny. Length of adcauline hydrothecal wall,800 Mm... 11 11. Four-fifths of hydrothecal adcauline wall adnate. Length of larger nematocysts.25 Mm.................... A. minima – Two-thirds of hydrothecal adcauline wall adnate. Length of larger nematocyst,19 Mm.................... A. minuta 12. Hydrothecae alternate in two planes............. 13 – Hydrothecae alternate in one plane.............. 14 13. Hydrothecae with an abcauline internal cusp. Length of larger nematocysts.28 Mm................... A. tortugasensis – Hydrothecae without cusps. Length of larger nematocysts,15 Mm.................... A. operculata 14. Two-thirds of hydrothecal adcauline wall adnate. Length of larger nematocyst,12 Mm.................... A. abies – Three-quarters to four-fifths of adcauline wall adnate. Length of larger nematocysts.20 Mm............... A. pulchella