A revision of the Pieris napi - complex (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and similar species with distribution in China Author Ge, Si Xun https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3769-1530 Beijing Key Laboratory for Forest Pest Control, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, P. R. China. Author Jiang, Zhuo Heng School of Science, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China Author Wang, Jia Qi 2288 Long, Hongxin Rd, Minhang District, Shanghai, China Author Song, Kui School of Economic and Management, Qinghai Nationalities University, Bayi Road No. 3, Xining 810007, Qinghai, P. R. China Author Zhang, Chao Simianshan Forest Resource Service Center, Jiangjin District, Chongqing, 402296, P. R. China Author Hu, Shao Ji Institute of International Rivers and Eco-security, Yunnan University, Kunming, China shaojihu@hotmail.com text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2023 2023-03-15 81 257 287 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/asp.81.e85191 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/asp.81.e85191 1864-8312-81-257 CC0AB5E565324E9EB5D02FD08B5FFE2C 74CBFA410981516FBB87561614EFF561 Pieris erutae reissingeri Eitschberger, 1983 Pieris erutae reissingeri Eitschberger, 1983; Herbipoliana 1(1-2): 374; TL: "Hoeng-Shan (900 m), Provinz Hunan, China" [Hengshan Mountain, Hunan, China] (original description) Pieris melete ; Chou (1999): Monographia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium 1: 259, f6. [ MisID ] Description. Both wings whitish on the upperside and yellowish on the underside. Spring form: medium size. Male: apical spot blackish with slightly whitish powdered, merging as a small dark subtriangular spot. All discal spots and outer spot absent on the upperside (sometimes the 1st discal spot and outer spot rather faintly developed). The 2nd discal spot vaguely developed on the underside or absent. Female (Fig. 10P ): apical spot brownish, partly merging as a subtriangular spot on the apex. The 1st, 2nd and outer spot strongly developed, rectangular on the upperside while faintly present on the underside (except outer spot absent). All veins with strong brownish powder on both sides, especially forewings on the upperside. Summer form: medium to large size. Resembles spring form but larger with rounder wing shape. The 1st discal spot of males (Fig. 10Q ) present on both sides and with distinct blackish powder along vein tips on the outer margin of hindwings on the upperside. The brown powder along veins is stronger in summer form of females (Fig. 10R ) than spring forms. Distribution. South China (Hunan) Phenology. Multivoltine, occurs from April to September. Male genitalia. (Fig. 5N ) tegumen broad, without distinct convex on the distal margin; basal margin of the uncus slightly broader than tegumen, with its apical half of digitation. Female genitalia. (Fig. 7D ) posterior apophysis slender, almost reach the 8th tergum; inner distal of sterigma nearly spindle shaped extend to center; inner basal of sterigma broad pentagon shaped, smoothly connected at the basal margin; signum near cordiform shaped or near spindle shaped, indistinctly tapering to the basal. Note. This subspecies rather resembles other P. erutae subspecies, while it can be distinguished only by the distinct dark powder along vein tips on the outer margin of hindwings on the upperside of summer forms of males.