A new species of Brachygasterina Macquart from Colombia, and description of the males of B. stuebeli Röder and B. muisca Soares & Carvalho (Diptera: Muscidae) Author Pérez, Sandra Author Wolff, Marta Author De, Claudio J. B. text Zootaxa 2012 3554 45 57 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.213076 1d8699d3-7f92-4d09-a16e-1507f74078e1 1175-5326 213076 Brachygasterina setulosa Pérez, Wolff & Carvalho , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–11 , 25–27 ) Diagnosis. This species can be easily distinguished from all species of Muscidae by setulae that are beneath the scutellum, oriented posteriorly and near the posterior end of the scutellum ( Figs. 5 , 27 ). This character is unique to the Neotropical Muscidae . General color. Body dark, metallic blue to bluish-purple. Palpus, antenna, fronto-orbital plate, face, parafacial and gena dark-brown with brownish-grey pruinosity. Lunula dark-brown. Scutum with 4 dark dorsal stripes. Calypters brownish, with dark-brown margins. Halter dark-brown. Wing brownish, veins brown. Legs dark-brown, claws black and pulvillus yellowish. Abdomen metallic blue to bluish-purple ( Figs. 25–26 ). Description. Male. Head. Holoptic ( Fig. 1 ): eye shortly and sparsely ciliated; frons narrow, about 0.07–0.1 times the head width at anterior ocellus level. Antenna long, postpedicel 2.1–2.37 of pedicel height ( Fig. 2 ), postpedicel slightly dilated; antennal insertion above the mid level of eyes, 0.49–0.57 of the height of the face. Arista almost bare. Inner vertical seta slightly longer than outer vertical seta; inner vertical and outer proclinate. Frontal setae in 8–9 pairs. Facial ridge with few setulae, not reaching the mid level of flagellomere. Parafacial at pedicel level, 0.29–0.38 of the gena width below the eye. Palpus spatulated. FIGURES 1–5. Male of Brachygasterina setulosa sp. nov. : 1 , head, frontal view; 2 , head, lateral view; 3 , wing, dorsal view; 4 , hind leg, anterior view; 5 , scutellum, ventral view. FIGURES 6–8. Male genitalia of Brachygasterina setulosa sp. nov. : 6 , sternite 5; 7 , epandrium, cercal plate and surstyli, in posterior view; 8 , aedeagus and phallic complex, in lateral view. FIGURES 9–11. Female of Brachygasterina setulosa sp. nov. : 9 , head, frontal view; 10 , head, lateral view; 11 , ovipositor and spermathecae, ventral view. Thorax. Dorsocentral setae 2:4; acrostichal 2:1, anterior pair shorter; 5 humeral, anterior pair weak with 3 stronger setae on posterior margin; 1 parahumeral; 1 presutural; 2 intra-alar; 1 strong prealar; 1 supra-alar; 2 postsupra-alar; 2 notopleural setae, posterior shorter than anterior; notopleuron with sparse setulae around posterior and anterior seta. Scutellum with 1 weak basal seta, 2 strong lateral setae; 1 pair of strong, long apical setae. Scutellum with setulae that are beneath the scutellum, oriented posteriorly and near the posterior end of the scutellum ( Figs. 5 , 27 ). Proepisternum and proepimeron with many long setulae; 3 proepisternal setae; 2 proepimeral setae. Anepisternum with long setulae associated with the posterior row of setae, a single slender seta on the anterior portion. Anepimeron, meron and metakatepisternum bare. Postalar wall and supra-squamal ridge bare. Katepisternals 1:2, upper posterior setae strong and long. Katepimeron bare. Legs. Fore coxa with few, strong and long cilia. Femur with 1 row of setae on dorsal, posterior and posteroventral faces. Tibia with 1 preapical seta strongly developed on dorsal face; claws and pulvillus developed. Mid femur with 1 short preapical seta on anterodorsal face; 3 preapical posterodorsal setae; posteroventral face with 4 strong setae with truncated points, mainly developed between the basal third and mid third. Mid tibia with 3 setae on posterodorsal face and 1 short preapical seta; 1 apical seta on each of posterodorsal, anteroventral and anterodorsal faces. Hind femur with 1 continuous row of long setae on anterodorsal face; 1 row of setae on anteroventral face, longest setae on apical third; 3 setae on apical 1/4 of dorsal face and 2 preapical posterodorsal setae. Hind tibia with 3 medium setae on anterodorsal face and 1 preapical; 3–4 anteroventral setae; 4 posteroventral setae; 1 anteroventral apical seta; 1 strong posterodorsal (“calcar”) seta ( Fig. 4 ). Wing. Veins bare, except Costa; M parallel towards R4+5. Crossvein dm-cu slightly sinuous. R4+5 bare on both faces ( Fig. 3 ). Abdomen. Sternite 1 bare. Male genitalia: sternite 5 ( Fig. 6 ); cercal plate, surstylus and epandrium ( Fig. 7 ); aedeagus and phallic complex ( Fig. 8 ). Measurements (n = 4): Body length, 10.5–13.7 mm . Wing length, 11.5–13.0 mm. Female. Body coloration similar to male. Eyes separated by 0.6–0.74 of head width at anterior ocellus level. Inner vertical setae similar in size to outer vertical setae; inner vertical setae convergent and outer vertical setae divergent. Chaetotaxy as in male; frontal setae with 6–7 pairs. Interfrontal setae present ( Figs. 9–10 ). Parafacial, at the pedicel level, with 0.21–0.3 of the height of the gena below the eye. Acrostichal setae 2:2, first pair weaker. Proepisternal setae 3–4; proepimeral setae 2–3. Mid femur with 4 anteroventral setae on basal third; 3 preapical setae on posterodorsal face. Hind femur with row of setae that decrease in length on anteroventral face; setae stronger on apical 1/3. Hind tibia with 2–3 median anterodorsal setae; 1–3 anteroventral setae; 1 posterodorsal setae on its apical third. Ovipositor. Fig. 11 . Three spermathecae. Measurements (n = 3): Body length, 12.0– 12.8 mm . Wing length, 12.5–13.7 mm . Type material. Holotype male: “CO [ Colombia ] Cundinamarca / PNN[Parque Nacional Natural] Chingaza-La Siberia [site] / 4°31´N 73°45´W . 3170 m .s.n.m. [meters above sea level]/Malaise [trap]/Dic [December] 3-15 de 2001. 2597 [code]” (IAvH) [Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt] [white label]. Paratypes male: “CO Boyacá/SFF [Santuario de Fauna y Flora] Iguaque-Lagunilla/ 5°25’N ; 73°27°W. 3380 m .s.n.m./Malaise/ Mar 28-Abril 16 de 2001. 1515”. (IAvH) [white label]. “CO Cundinamarca/PNN Sumapaz/ Bocatomacerro el Zapato/ 4°14'N ; 74°12'W . 3560 m .s.n.m./Malaise/ ene 2-17-2003 . 3442” (IAvH) [white label]. “CO Boyacá/Iguaque-Lagunilla/ 5°25’N ; 73°27°W. 3380 m .s.n.m./Malaise/ Mar28-Abril16 de 2001. 1515” [dissected](IAvH) [white label]. Paratypes female: “CO Boyacá/Iguaque-Lagunilla/ 5°25’N ; 73°27°W. 3380 m .s.n.m./Malaise/ Mar 9-28 de 2001. 1511” (IAvH) [white label]. “CO Boyacá/Iguaque-Lagunilla/ 5°25’N ; 73°27°W. 3380 m .s.n.m./Malaise/ Mar28-Abril 16 de 2001. 1515” (IAvH)[white label]. “CO Boyacá/Iguaque- Lagunilla/ 5°25’N ; 73°27°W, 3380m .s.n.m./Malaise/ Mar28-Abril 16 de 2001.1515” [dissected](IAvH) [white label]. Type locality. Parque Nacional Natural, Chingaza, Cundinamarca, Colombia . Etymology. The name of this species comes from the Latin word setula , in reference to the presence of setulae beneath the scutellum. Geographical distribution. Colombia . Comments. Brachygasterina setulosa sp. nov. is similar to B. andina (from Ecuador ) in the shape of vein M vein parallel to R4+5 and facial ridge with few setulae, not reaching the mid level of flagellomere These characteristics are absent in the remaining four species of Brachygasterina from high altitudes of Ecuador , Colombia and Venezuela . In the key to the species by Soares & de Carvalho (2007), B. setulosa can be separated from B. andina at couplet 8, and by the setulae that are beneath the scutellum, oriented posteriorly and near the posterior end of the scutellum ( Figs. 5 , 27 ).