Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Bezdĕk, Jan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-10 4683 4 451 507 journal article 25263 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.4.1 48496621-de1a-4490-b866-1ae69d81ecbc 1175-5326 3479609 982FE3FB-5610-44A1-AAE3-659B28F45307 Theopea costata (Allard) ( Figs 25 , 26 ) Ozomena costata Allard, 1889: 111 ( Philippines : Mindanao). Theopea costata : Weise, 1924: 151 (catalogue); Laboissière, 1940: 35 (redescription); Wilcox, 1973: 639 (catalogue); Kimoto, 1990: 233 (catalogue). Type. Holotype ( IRSB , by monotypus): “ E. Mindanao / Semper [p, y] // Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // M. R. Belg. [p, w] // Ozomena / costata All. [h, w] // Allard det: / Ozomena / costata All. [h, w] // V. Laboissière rev., 1940 [p] / Theopea / costata All. / Type [h, w] // TYPE [p, pink label] // cf. Ann. Soc. Ent. / Belg., [p] XXXIII, 1889, p. 111 [h, w]”. FIGURE 25. Habitus of Theopea costata (Allard) . 25A. Holotype, male, dorsal view; 25B. Female, dorsal view; 25C. Holotype, male, front view. FIGURE 26. Diagnostic characters of Theopea costata (Allard) . 26A. Antenna, male; 26B. Antenna, female; 26C. Aedeagus, dorsal view; 26D. Aedeagus, lateral view; 26E. Aedeagus, ventral view; 26F. Abdominal ventrite VIII; 26G. Gonocoxae; 26H. Spermatheca. Other material examined. PHILIPPINES . Mindanao : 1♀ ( SEHU ), Calinan , 12.II.1979 , leg. Y. Komiya. Redescription. Length 7.0– 7.2 mm , width 2.5 mm . General color ( Figs 25A, 25B ) reddish brown, but antennomeres III–V darker. Antennae filiform in male, antennomeres III and IV broader ( Fig. 26A ), length ratios of antennomeres I–VII (VIII–XI lost) 1.0: 0.2: 0.7: 1.0: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–VII 4.1: 1.2: 2.8: 5.3: 5.4: 4.8: 5.5; filiform in females ( Fig. 26B ), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.2: 0.6: 0.8: 0.8: 0.7: 0.7: 0.7: 0.7: 0.6: 0.7, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 4.1: 1.5: 3.4: 4.9: 4.9: 4.9: 5.0: 4.8: 4.8: 4.7: 5.4. Frons with semicircular concave area in males, with one erect median process and two basolateral processes, and few setae on lower surface of median process ( Fig. 25C ). Elytra elongate and parallel-sided, 1.8x longer than wide; disc with dense, coarse punctures, arranged into longitudinal rows, with one distinct longitudinal ridge between two longitudinal rows of punctures, weak longitudinal ridges staggered with stronger ridges. Tarsomeres I of front legs slightly swollen in males; subparallel in females. Aedeagus ( Figs 26 C–26E) extremely slender, 7.6x longer than wide; parallel-sided, subapically strongly narrowed; apex with shallow notch; tectum well sclerotized, basally broadened; slightly curved in lateral view; ventral surface with deep notch from apex to middle, narrow in apical 1/4, abruptly broadened at middle; basal notch open; triangular sclerites large; internal sac with one elongate endophallic sclerite complex, 0.6x as long as aedeagus, apical piece apically narrowed, basal piece a little longer (1.3x) than apical sclerite,. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 26G ) elongate, widest at apex, both gonocoxae combined together from basal 1/3 to apical 1/4; apices narrowly rounded; both gonocoxae very close; each gonocoxa with eight setae along outer margin from apex to apical 1/5; with one pair of short lateral processes at basal 2/5. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 26F ) longitudinal and well sclerotized; disc with several long setae laterally and near apical margin, and with dense, short setae along apical margin; spiculum extremely slender. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 26H ) strongly swollen; pump slender and strongly curved; proximal spermathecal duct deeply inserted into receptacle, broad and short. Diagnosis. Members of this species are characterized by the sexually dimorphic frons and reddish brown bodies. Distribution. Philippines : Mindanao.