Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Eristalinus (Eristalinus) aeneus ( Scopoli, 1763 ) , doubtful record Conops aeneus Scopoli, 1763: 356 Eristalis concolor Philippi, 1865: 743 Type locality and data. Slovenia . Idrija ” (HT, A, currently lost) . Material examined. No specimens reviewed. Valparaíso ( Shannon & Aubertin 1933 ). References. Philippi, 1865: 743 (desc.); Williston, 1886: 319 (cat.); Reed, 1888: 298 (cat.); Kertész, 1910: 298 (cat.); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 122 (species unavailable for examination); Stuardo, 1946: 130 (cat.); Fluke, 1957: 132 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a: 340 (taxonomic notes). World distribution. Cosmopolitan. Originally from the Old World, now widespread in all temperate areas. FIGURE 39 . Distribution map of Dolichogyna species in Chile: D. abrupta Hine, 1914 (Blue circle); D. chilensis Walker, 1836 (red circles); D. hinei Fluke, 1957 (black circles); D. nigripes Bigot, 1884 (green circles); D. pictus ( Philippi, 1865 ) (yellow circles); D. pennipes ( Sack, 1941 ) (violet star) and D. reynoldsi Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 (violet circles). FIGURES 40–43 . Ohmyia omya Thompson, 1999 : (40) female, dorsal view, and (41) female, lateral view (photo by Ximo Mengual; licence = CC-BY-NC-SA). Scale is not available. Eristalinus taeniops Wiedemann, 1818 : (42) female and (43) male visiting Veronica sp., Santiago. Photos by Pablo Moreno. Chilean distribution. Only recorded from Valparaíso region . Altitudinal range. It probably has a coastal distribution between 0 and 400 m . a.s.l. Biology and notes. No specimens of Eristalinus aeneus have been seen. In fact, Shannon & Aubertin (1933) highlight that this species has spotted eyes, wherefore, Thompson (1999a) synonymized Eristalis concolor under E. aeneus . The species was apparently introduced in Chile through traffic of ships in the port of Valparaíso . The type locality of E. concolor is recorded for Valparaíso . New specimens must be caught to establish its presence in the country. Conservation status. Not evaluated because is considered a doubtful record and an exotic species. Subgenus Eristalodes Mik, 1897 Eristalodes Mik, 1897: 114 . Type-species, Eristalis taeniopus ( Wiedemann, 1818: 42 ) .