Revision of Megalothorax incertus Börner, 1903 reveals it to be another widespread Palearctic species of the genus (Collembola, Neelidae) Author Schneider, Clément 0000-0003-3743-9319 Abteilung Bodenzoologie, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 02826 Görlitz, Germany clement. schneider @ senckenberg. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3743 - 9319 Author Panina, Ksenia Moscow State Pedagogical University, Kibalchicha str., 6, korp. 3, Moscow, 129278, Russia text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-21 5318 4 474 488 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5318.4.2 1175-5326 10C3728D-B718-4074-AC83-142A98A88895 Megalothorax perspicillum Schneider & D’Haese, 2013 New material. Two females, one male and one juvenile on slides (SMNG-APT-AA00029–32), Italy , Sicily , Palermo , botanical garden, 14 Nov. 2014 , 38.1126°N , 13.3742°E , soil below humid litter under Ficus watkinsiana F.M. Bailey , leg. C. Schneider , original collection code: CS .007.IT. Six females, (SMNG-APT-AA00033–38), Italy , Sicily , Scopello , Riserva Naturale Orientata dello Zingaro , 22 Nov. 2014 , 38.0995°N , 12.7969°E , mosses with its substrate on side of the coastal path, leg. C. Schneider , original collection code: CS .036.IT. Five females and two males on slide, Russia , Krasnodar , 28 April 2021 , 45.0644°N , 38.8144°E , upper layer of soil (up to 10 cm ) with mulch, leg. K. Panina. Two females on slide, Russia , Stavropol Region , Mikhailovsk , 27 April 2021 , 45.1278°N , 42.0574°E , upper layer of soil (up to 10 cm ) with mulch, leg. K. Panina. Molecular data. One individual from CS .007.IT, two individuals from CS .036.IT (Genbank accession number in Table 1 ). Vouchers have not been recovered. Description. As in Schneider and D’Haese (2013) , with new specimens up to 400 µm body size, and labral a1 chaetae with external tooth. Comments. Papáč & Kováč (2013) reported some specimens identified as M. cf. perspicillum , differing from the original description by having serrated labral a1 chaetae (vs smooth in the original description). In the novel specimens examined here, those chaetae are serrated. We confirmed that the original specimens have at least faintly serrated labral a1 chaetae, and we consider the possible variation to be within the species boundary.