Checklist of the Timorese Euphorbiaceae and related families Author Simão, Inês F. 0000-0001-6548-8535 Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, 3810 - 193 Aveiro, Portugal Author Silveira, Paulo C. 0000-0002-9253-5381 Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, 3810 - 193 Aveiro, Portugal & CESAM-Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, 3810 - 193 Aveiro, Portugal Author Wajer, Jacek 0000-0002-2329-9186 Science Department, Algae, Fungi and Plants Division, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, UK Author Schuiteman, André 0000-0001-6701-8158 Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW 9 3 AB, United Kingdom Author Welzen, Peter Van 0000-0002-5072-431X Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands; Institute of Biology Leiden, University of Leiden, P. O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-07-30 661 2 123 149 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.661.2.1 1179-3163 Euphorbia atoto Forster (1786: 36) Euphorbia pallens Dillwyn (1839: 54) . Euphorbia levis Poiret (1812: 612) ; Fawcett (1885: 517) . Ecology: sandy places near coasts ( Jinshuang & Gilbert 2008 ). Distribution: India , Sri Lanka , China , Taiwan , Japan , Myanmar , Thailand , Laos , Cambodia , Vietnam , Malaysia , Philippines , Indonesia , Australia , Pacific islands ( Jinshuang & Gilbert 2008 ). Specimens examined: Indonesia ( Timor Barat ): Belu , [Atapupu, 9°00’ S , 124°51’ E ], 31 July 1923 , Kooy, C. W. 967 ( L [ L .2215879]) ; 3 April 1981 , Kooy , C. W. 1309 ( L [ L .2225122]) ; Timor Unknown 126 (P [P00230039]) ; Riedlé, A. s.n. (P [P00230040]); Riedlé, A. 126 (P [P00230041]); Timor Leste : January 1962 , Cinatti, R. 365 ( L [ L .2225121]) ; January 1962 , Cinatti , R. 360 ( L [ L .2225120]) ; Lautém , c. 8.5 km SSW of Tutuala , [ 8°28’47” S , 127°13’43” E ], {near mouth of Vero River }, 22 October 2006 , Cowie, I.D. & Santana F. 11268 ( L [ L .3795194]) . Red List Assessment: Endangered C2a(i)