A new genus and five new species of Onciderini Thomson, 1860 Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from South America, with notes on additional taxa
Nearns, Eugenio H.
Tavakilian, Gérard-Luc
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Psyllotoxoides albomaculata
Breuning, 1961: 336
Figures 3
Redescription. Female.
18.5 mm
(measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 7.0 mm (measured across humeri). Habitus as in
Fig. 3a
. General form elongate-oblong, moderate-sized. Integument dark brown to black, with white, brown, and tawny pubescence. Pronotum, metepisternum, and abdomen with distinct white maculae; scape, pedicel, and base of antennomere III with tawny pubescence, distinctly lighter than remaining segments, which are uniformly dark brown; center of each elytron with a white, elongate-triangular macula near lateral margin; elytral apices with small white maculae.
Head with frons distinctly flat, roughly subquadrate, about 2.5 times width of lower eye lobe (as in
Fig. 3c
). Eyes with lower lobes large, oblong; narrowest area connecting upper and lower eye lobes about 3 ommatidia wide. Genae transverse, about half as tall as lower eye lobes.
Antennae about 1.25 times longer than body; antennal tubercles prominent, widely separated, tubercles unarmed at apex; scape gradually expanded to apex; antennomeres III curved. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape=0.78; II=0.1; III=1; IV=0.65; V=0.72; VI=0.63; VII=0.54; VIII=0.48; IX=0.43; X=0.32; XI=0.25 (left antenna damaged, missing antennomeres X-XI).
Pronotum roughly conical, distinctly wider at apex, strongly transverse, about 1.7 times as wide as long, sides irregular, with a moderate-sized, blunt protuberance each side behind middle (
Fig. 3a, d
); disk with three moderately elevated tubercles, median tubercle small, rounded, with glabrous region near center, lateral tubercles prominent, arcuate; each lateral tubercle adjacent to deep, arcuate, transverse sulcus extending from median tubercle down each side; disk with several fine, glabrous, black granules.
Scutellum transverse, apex rounded, center 1/3 with tawny pubescence, lateral margins with dark brown pubescence.
Elytra nearly 2 times as long as width at humeri (
Fig. 3a
), about 3.3 times as long as pronotal length, about 1.3 times broader basally than pronotum at widest (behind middle); sides slightly sinuate, attenuate to apices, gradually rounded to apices at apical 1/3, apices jointly rounded; elytra impunctate; base of each elytron with a moderately-elevated gibbosity; each gibbosity with about 15 shiny, black, glabrous granules of varying sizes; humeri prominent, anterior margin transverse, arcuate, angle with moderate-size, obtuse tubercle; humeri with two longitudinal rows of shiny, black, glabrous granules of varying sizes (
Fig. 3a,b,d
Figure 3.
Psyllotoxoides albomaculata
Breuning, 1961
, holotype female.
Dorsal habitus.
Lateral habitus with original labels.
Close-up of head.
Close-up of pronotum and elytral humeri.
Venter with procoxae large, globose, not uncate; narrowest area of prosternal process between procoxae about 1/2 as wide as procoxal cavity; apex of prosternal process subtriangular. Mesosternal process about 1/2 as wide as mesocoxal cavity; mesosternal process subtruncate. Fifth abdominal sternite about twice as long as IV, with a median triangular impression.
Legs moderately-short in length; femora robust; metafemora clavate apically; tibiae slightly expanded apically; metafemora about 1/3-1/4 as long as elytra; tarsomere V about as long as I-IV combined.
Material Examined.
, female (
Fig. 3
a-d), “[
] Sto. Paulo d’Olivença,
M. de Mathan
” (
Diagnosis and Remarks.
This species strongly resembles some species of
Lacordaire, 1830
, and superficially resembles
Thomson, 1868
Nearns and Swift, 2011
but can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: elytra impunctate; humeri with two longitudinal rows of shiny, black, glabrous granules of varying sizes; and pronotum, elytra, metepisternum, and abdomen with distinct white maculae.