A new genus of anthophilous drosophilids, Impatiophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae): morphology, DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny, with descriptions of thirty-nine new species Author Fu, Zhao Author Toda, Masanori J. Author Li, Nan-Nan Author Zhang, Ya-Ping Author Gao, Jian-Jun text Zootaxa 2016 4120 1 1 100 journal article 38932 10.11646/zootaxa.4120.1.1 606b81b7-45af-4821-a885-ebf237fd4cc4 1175-5326 266831 EC979B80-9468-4E56-B5C0-90A7F1C78CB3 35) Impatiophila acutivalva Fu & Gao , sp. nov. ( Fig. 41 ; Pl. 4F; Pl. 7H) Diagnosis. Abdominal tergite IV with caudal, black band medially neither interrupted/constricted nor protruded (Pl. 4F). Scutum and scutellum unicolorously glossy black, without distinct color pattern (Pl. 4F). Hindleg tarsomere I with 1 black, apically blunt, stout spine at outer apex on underside. Tenth sternite as wide as long, dorsally not dilated, with narrow, U-shaped notch medially on convex, dorsal margin ( Fig. 41 D). Oviscapt valve with 2 dorsal ovisensilla ( Fig. 40 G). Description (♂, ♀). Head: Cibarium with 2−3 medial sensilla and 2−4 posterior sensilla per side. Labellum with 5−6 pseudotracheae per side. Thorax (Pl. 4F): Postpronotum blackish brown; scutum and scutellum glossy black; pleura blackish brown to black. Wing (Pl. 4F) pale brown; veins brown. C1 setae 2, subequal. Haltere pale yellow. Legs (Pl. 4F) yellow. Abdomen (Pl. 4F): Tergites II −VI with broad, black, caudal bands; bands on II and III medially narrowly interrupted. Sternites grayish yellow. Male terminalia ( Fig. 41 A −F): Epandrium very sparsely pubescent in patches, with ca. 11 long setae on ventral 3/5 and ca. 15 shorter setae on caudoventral portion. Surstylus with 2 long setae in addition to 2 stout, upturned prensisetae at and above caudodorsal corner, 7 prensisetae along distal margin and 1 seta at ventral apex. Cercus very sparsely pubescent in patches, with ca. 25 long setae. Aedeagal basal process about 1/2 the length of paramere. Hypandrium somewhat rectangular, posteriorly less convex in lateral view. Gonopod apically slightly curved ventrad and pointed in lateral view. Paramere with 6 sensilla. Female terminalia ( Fig. 41 G, H; Pl. 7H): Oviscapt valve yellowish brown, gently curved on dorsosubapical margin and apically sharp in lateral view, with 4 lateral and ca. 15 ventral ovisensilla arranged entirely at nearly equal intervals. Spermathecal capsule brown: introvert depth of duct about 4/5 of capsule height. Measurements: BL = 2.67 ( 5♂ paratypes : 2.40−2.67, 5♀ paratypes : 2.40−2.83) mm, ThL = 1.12 (1.08−1.12, 1.09−1.27) mm, WL = 2.40 (2.30−2.40, 2.40−2.66) mm, WW = 1.00 (1.00−1.03, 1.00−1.13) mm. Indices: arb = 2/1 ( 5♂ , 5♀ paratypes : 2−3/1), FW/HW = 0.47 (0.41−0.48), ch/o = 0.08 (0.07−0.12), prorb = 1.06 (0.94−1.24), rcorb = 0.50 (0.53−0.68), orbito = 1.14 (0.86−1.26), vb = 0.38 (0.34−0.47), dcl = 0.44 (0.44−0.58), dcp = 0.42 (0.38−0.46), sterno = 0.69 (0.54−0.70), m-sterno = 0.72 (0.61−0.82), sctl = 1.05 (0.98−1.09), sctlp = 1.09 (0.90−1.21), C = 2.97 (2.67−3.16), 4c = 0.75 (0.74−0.82), 4v = 1.59 (1.56−1.86), 5x = 1.45 (1.38−1.70), ac = 2.23 (2.20−2.64), M = 0.40 (0.40−0.48), C3F = 0.25 (0.20−0.36). Holotype . ♂ (#00282), Tongmai, Yigong, Bomi, Linzhi, Xizang, China , 30°06′10′′N , 95°04′49′′E , 2080 m , 9.x.2010 , ex Impatiens ? arguta Hook. f. et. Thoms. ( Fig. 1 D) J.J. Gao ( KIZ ). Paratypes . CHINA : 5♂ , 5♀ (#00283, #00298, #00299, #00374, #00375, #00497, #00498, #00517, #00549, #00550), same data as holotype ( KIZ , SEHU ). Distribution . China (Xizang). Etymology . Referring to the apically acute ( acutus ) oviscapt valve ( valva ).