A review of Scaphochlamys (Zingiberaceae) from Borneo, with description of eleven new species Author Hin, Ooi Im Author Kalu, Meekiong Author Yeng, Wong Sin Research Associate, Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States. text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-08-23 317 4 231 279 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.317.4.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.317.4.1 1179-3163 13697103 12. Scaphochlamys limiana Meekiong & Yazid (2015: 33) . Type :—MALAYSIAN BORNEO. Sarawak : Sematan, Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary Extension, trail to Ranger Post, 25 October 2014 , K. Meekiong, K. Yazid, W. Yahud & Dami MK2344 (holo SAR!, iso HUMS!), Figure 12 Terrestrial, perennial, rhizomatous herbs, to c. 19 cm tall. Rhizome creeping slightly below ground, c. 5 mm diameter, externally medium brown, internally dark purplish red, roots sometimes pseudo-tuberous. Elements 0.2−2 cm apart, 1-foliate, juvenile not seen; petiole c. 5 cm long, canaliculate, dark purplish red, sparsely pubescent, base pulvinate, dark pinkish white to dark purplish red; leafless sheath c. 4, 0.8−6 cm long, glabrous, dark purplish red with white near base, marcescent with age; leaf sheath c. 2 cm long, membranous, reddish white, glabrous, marcescent with age; ligule obscure, membranous, marcescent with age; lamina 11–14 × 5–6.5 cm , slightly ovate to elliptic, coriaceous, conduplicate, margin slightly undulate, base obtuse, apex acute; adaxial surface glossy, medium green to dark green, glabrous, midrib sunken, main lateral veins inconspicuous; abaxial surface, dark purplish red, glabrous, midrib raised, sparsely pubescent, main lateral veins slightly visible. Inflorescence c. 18 cm long, emerging from near leaf base inside leaf sheaths, imbricating, rosette-like, comprised of 7–11, 2–3-flowered cincinni borne on a long peduncle; peduncle 10–14.5 cm long, light reddish green to medium reddish green, glabrous, subtended by marcescent leafless sheaths at base; bract 7–11, 1.5–2 × 1.2 cm , spirally arranged, broadly obovate, coriaceous, glabrous, reddish medium green adaxially, dark purplish red abaxially, turn paler during fruiting, margin entire but slightly undulate at apex, base slightly incurved, apex mucronate, slightly recurved, each bract subtending 2–3 flowers; first bracteole c. 15 mm long, opposite bract, keeled, inflexed, reddish white; subsequent bracteoles 1–2, c. 12 mm long, similar but smaller and not keeled; flower c. 30 mm long, floral odour very mild resinous; calyx c. 7 mm long, tubular, white, glabrous, apex slightly tridentate; floral tube c. 19 mm long, white, glabrous; corolla lobes c. 10 mm long, lanceolate, white, glabrous, apex acute, hooded; staminodes 10–11 mm long, linear to slightly oblanceolate, adaxial surface covered with glandular hairs, white, apex obtuse to rounded; labellum 12–15 × 9 mm , spathulate, adaxial surface covered with glandular hairs, white with violet streaks from base at both sides of light yellow median band, apex 2-lobed, indented c. 3 mm , recurved, lobes sometimes slightly overlapping; stamen c. 6.5 × 1.5 mm , covered with glandular hairs, white with purplish at crest; filament c. 2 mm long; anther thecae c. 3 mm long, spurred, crest c. 1.5 mm long, recurved, slightly 3-lobed; stigma less than 1 mm long, funnel-shaped, ostiole ciliate, forwards facing; style c. 24 mm long, white, glabrous; ovary c. 2 mm long, 1-locular, white, glabrous, placentation basal; epigynous glands 2, c. 3.5 mm long, free, needle-like, yellowish white. Fruit c. 10 mm when dried, when mature pericarp splitting halfway into three revealing seeds, calyx persisting prior to maturity, subtended by persistent bracts; seeds c. 8.5 mm , obovoid, light brown with black dots when mature, aril c. 0.7 mm , lacerate, perisperm yellowish white. Distribution and ecology : Scaphochlamys limiana is known only from north western Sarawak occurring in kerangas (tropical heath) forest on quartz-rich soil over granite, between, 20– 40 m . FIGURE 12. Scaphochlamys limiana . A. plant in habitat. B. plant with flower in habitat. C. inflorescence. D. bracts, side view. E. bracts, top view. F. bracts and a mature seed, noted paler bracts during fruiting G. flower, front view. H. flower, side view. I. stamen, noted anther spurs and purplish white crest. J. lamina, abaxial surface. K. roots, note thickened root. L. bracts and bracteoles. M. rhizome, note dark purplish red interior. A, C–F, I–J, L–M from OIH118 ; B & K from OIH122 ; G–H from OIH121. Additional specimens examined :— MALAYSIAN BORNEO. Sarawak : Kuching Division , Lundu , Gunung Pueh , 01°50’03.5”N , 109°40’35.4”E , 13 April 2014 , I.H. Ooi , S. Hyndman & T. Jepom OIH118 (SAR) ; 01°49’59.1”N , 109°40’27.2”E , 13 April 2014 , I.H. Ooi, S. Hyndman & T. Jepom OIH121 & OIH122 (SAR). Conservation status :—Near Threatened (NT). This species occurs within a protected area and its extension, which is not yet easily accessible. The populations near the boundary of the protected area are close to the adjacent oil palm plantation. Discussion: —This species is unique among the Bornean Scaphochlamys . The dark purplish red rhizome interior, lamina abaxially intensely purplish red, and by the long pedunculate rosette-like imbricating inflorescences are only known for species from Peninsular Malaysia , such as S. abdullahii Sam & Saw (2005: 253) and S. sylvestris ( Ridley 1893: 378 ) Holttum (1950: 91) ( Sam & Saw 2005 ; Searle 2010 ). Scaphochlamys limiana and S. polyphylla are closer morphologically to species from Peninsular Malaysia than to Bornean species.