The genus Nomada (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Siberia Author E, Russia. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2017 2017-07-28 49 1 985 1006 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5409924 0253-116X 5409924 Nomada setteri PROSHCHALYKIN 2010 3: nov. Of this species we have 15♀♀ and 833 Nomada setteri (Fig. 9, head 12, 13) is very similar to Nomada flavopicta , but slightly on the flattened frons-keel and on the form of the hindtibia, it is not rounded, and a few subtle spins are recognizable. The form of the antennal segments, shown in (Fig. 10). The labrum is flat (Fig. 11), apically with a few indistinct teeth. The form of the pronotum is shown in (Fig. 14). And the characteristic form of Tergite 7 is shown in (Fig. 15). L. 7-8mm . M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Russia : Irkutsk Prov. : 15 km E Ust'-Ordinsk, 31.VII.2010 , MP, 15♀♀ , 833 [IBSS/ZISP]. P u b l i s h e d r e c o r d s: – D i s t r i b u t i o n i n S i b e r i a:*IrkutskProv. G e n e r a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: Russia (EasternSiberia,FarEast). Figs 9-13 : Nomada setteri PROSHCHALYKIN 2010 male: ( 9 ) habitus; ( 10 ) left flagellum; ( 11 ) labrum; ( 12-13 ) head. Figs 14-15 : Nomada setteri PROSHCHALYKIN 2010 male: ( 14 ) pronotum; ( 15 ) tergite 7.