Use of exochorion characters for the systematics of Hamadryas Hübner and Ectima Doubleday (Nymphalidae: Biblidinae: Ageroniini) Author Nieves-Uribe, Sandra Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México 04510 CDMX, México Author Flores-Gallardo, Adrián Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México 04510 CDMX, México Author Llorente-Bousquets, Jorge Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México 04510 CDMX, México Author Luis-Martínez, Armando Museo de Zoología (Entomología), Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México 04510 CDMX, México Author Pozo, Carmen Grupo Interacción, Adaptación y Biodiversidad, Departamento de Conservación de la Biodiversidad, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) Unidad Chetumal, Quintana Roo 77014, México. E-mail: cpozo @ ecosur. mx text Zootaxa 2019 2019-06-18 4619 1 77 108 journal article 21176 10.11646/zootaxa.4619.1.3 e48ca9ee-7e55-4ed0-a0c6-0898a7d75f83 1175-5326 3995458 0DAD3CBB-6238-48E5-B495-27CFA5774297 Hamadryas laodamia saurites ( Fig. 10 A, B ). Eggs average 1181 ± 52.47 in length and 1141 ± 41.39 μm in width (n = 11), 1.03 times longer than maximum diameter, and width/length ratio is 0.96. Egg is globose foam, quasi-spheroidal and very sinuous on knolls; apical region is flat, and base convex, smooth, and of amplitude similar to that of apex; base is just over 1/7 the length of egg. Chorion exhibits six apical knolls with scalloped edges accented, and some are continuous; they extend to prebasal area and have pronounced slumps, two in first apical quarter and another at the equator ( Fig. 10 A-i, ii, B-i). Only one or two of apical knolls bifurcate at same height as first two slumps of continuous knolls ( Fig. 10 A-iii, B-iii). Background grid shows pentagonal, hexagonal, and irregular polygons, with rounded or aristate margins; size of polygons reduced by half at the beginning of first basal third, which delimits the prebasal grid of smooth or rough base ( Fig. 10 A-iv). Polygons are of a constant size in the equatorial zone, but they increase in summits of knolls ( Fig. 10 A-v). Macro-cells are on the summit of some knolls and are conspicuous concerning polygons that surround them ( Fig. 10 A-vi); their size is four to six times that of the equatorial polygons, and they are found only in the first apical third. The size of the macro-cells is similar to those of H. feronia but smaller than those of H. iphthime . Micropylar zone has a tiny grid with an imperceptible organization ( Fig. 10 B-vii); it is concave regarding apical surface. Color A 10 M 00 N 00 . FIGURE 9. Structure and details of the chorion of Hamadryas fornax fornacalia . A. Chorion in side view; B. Apical or distal view. i. Reduced grid in the base; ii. Continuous knolls; iii. Bifurcated knolls; iv. Grid between the valleys; v. Grid in the knolls; vi. Macro-cell; vii. Micropylar area. FIGURE 10. Chorionic structure of Hamadryas laodamia saurites . A. Chorion in side view; B. Apical or distal view. i. Continuous knolls; ii. Valleys; iii. Bifurcated knolls; iv.Reduced reticle in the base; v. Polygons close to macro-cells; vi. Macro-cell; vii. Micropyle. Material examined: México : Oaxaca : El Puente , 3 Km al E de Choapam ( 17°22’38”N , 95°55’20”W ), 620 msnm, 24-VIII-2015 , trampa (ABD-1400), J. Llorente y col. (ABD-1401); San Miguel Solyatepec, Cerro Chango ( 18°10’13”N , 96°17’01.64”W ), 48 msnm, 4-IX-2017 , trampa (ABD-2013). Diagnosis and hierarchy of exocorionic characters in Ageroniini . As a result of the collection of characters in some species of Ageroniini , a summary of the chorionic characters of this tribe is presented in tabular form ( Table 2 ). It also includes those found in the clade Hamadryas + Ectima , of both genera separately, and those of each group of species from Hamadryas sensu Jenkins (1983) . The characters come from all the published previously descriptions ( Table 3 ) and those from this work. Even where data are known for only one or two species within some groups, the characteristics are given because they represent a percentage of the total of taxa in those groups.