A revision of the genus Macrolygistopterus Pic, 1929 (Coleoptera, Lycidae, Calochromini) Author Ferreira, Vinicius S. text Zootaxa 2016 4105 4 321 338 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4105.4.2 23dcb341-8737-42cb-bef7-7f29437f2788 1175-5326 271306 07266FCB-8D6E-4AEA-9159-ECE7D8D31ED0 Macrolygistopterus germaini Pic, 1930 ( Figs. 4 , 13 , 22 , 30 , 45 ) Macrolygistopterus germaini Pic, 1930a : 84 (original description); Kleine, 1933 : 104 (catalogue); Blackwelder, 1945 : 351 (catalogue); Nascimento, 2013 : 324 (checklist of species). Type material. Macrolygistopterus germaini : syntype , male, from Minas Gerais State, Brazil , hereby designated as lectotype , deposited at MNHN . Diagnosis. Elytral costa I reaching elytral apex, subapically obliterated; costae II and IV subapically fused, forming an arch, subapically obliterated; costa III not touching the arch formed by costae II+IV ( Fig. 30 ). Adjacent area of scutellum black ( Fig. 30 ). Redescription. Head black, prolonged in short rostrum, as long as sum of antennomeres II+III ( Fig. 13 ); coronal suture shallow; median interocular distance of 2x width of eyes. Mandibles curved, connate to labrum, testaceous. Maxillary palp with palpomere IV slightly larger than III, securiform; segments II and III subequal in length. Antennae finely pubescent, scape subconic, pedicel small (1/3 of scape length); antennomere III as long as I; IV subequal to III, slightly larger and longer; antennomeres V to XI gradually decreasing in length. Pronotum rectangular, transverse, slightly wider than longer (8:9), with rounded angles and posterior angles pronounced, testaceous, with a longitudinal black stripe medially located; a pair of longitudinal elevations parallels, discontinued at basal and apical third, broadened in middle third. Pair of oblique elevations in basal third and a pair of parallel median elevations ( Fig. 4 ). Scutellum black, wider than longer. Elytra subparallel, margins stout and pronounced, testaceous, with apical third black. Arrangement of elytral costae: Elytral costa I reaching elytral apex, subapically obliterated; costae II and IV subapically fused, forming an arch, subapically obliterated; costa III not touching arch formed by costae II+IV ( Fig. 30 ). Adjacent area of scutellum black ( Fig. 4 , 30 ). Width at humeri> 3.4mm. Elytral length—11.1mm. Distribution. Brazil , Minas Gerais, only known by the lectotype ( Fig. 45 ). Examined material. Brasil [Minas Gerais], Caraça, P. Germaini , 2º Semestre 1884, 1 ♂ ( lectotype ) ( MNHN ). Female unknown.