Nomenclature and typification in the endemic genus Codia (Cunoniaceae) from New Caledonia Author Fortune Hopkins, Helen C. text Adansonia 2005 3 27 2 243 254 journal article 1639-4798 5186565 FF0CE27C-4A08-4B7D-8662-0D0C8B91805B 4. Codia montana Labill. ex D.Don Edinburgh New Philos. J. 9: 94 (1830) , nom. inval., pro syn. sub Callicoma billardierei D.Don. D O N (1 8 3 0) mentioned the name Codia montana twice, once as a taxon in its own right, attributed to “Forst.” (p. 95), and once as a synonym of Callicoma billardierei (p. 94), attributed to “Labill. MSS”, indicating he had seen a specimen from LABILLARDIÈRE in LAMBERT’ s herbarium. While the concept of C . montana in LABILLARDIÈRE (1824) was conspecific with that of the FORSTERS, a collection by him at P is a mixture of C . montana with a small fragment of a Pancheria , which might account for the confusion. A LABILLARDIÈRE specimen with fruits at BM, which may be that from LAMBERT’ s herbarium but is not definitely so, is labelled “ Codia montana ”, “ Callicoma billardierei D.Don ”, and “ Pancheria billardierei ” and is indeed a Pancheria . Callicoma billardierei is the basionym of Pancheria billardierei (D.Don) Pamp. 5. Codia propinqua Vieill. ex Guillaumin var.