A new species of Campyloneura (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Cameroon with a review of the genus
Konstantinov, Fedor V.
journal article
Fieber, 1883
Fieber, 1858: 309
(junior homonym of
Macquart, 1843
Fieber, 1861: 388
(new name for
Fieber, 1858
Capsus virgula
Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835
(by monotypy).
Recognized by the following characters: body smooth, elongate, gracile, 3.0–4.4 (
Figs. 1–6
); antennal segment II long, 1.5–2.0 X as long as basal width of pronotum; labium long and thin, reaching hind coxa (
Fig. 13
); pronotal collar flat, well demarcated, distinctly wider than antennal segment I; calli weakly raised; posterior margin of pronotum strongly concave (
Fig. 8
); scent-gland evaporatory area large, triangular, with dorsally oriented, tongue-shaped peritreme (
Fig. 15
); membrane with two round cells distinctly not reaching apex of cuneus; pulvillus large, attached to inner claw surface, with characteristic pulvillar combs (
Figs. 11, 12, 16, 17
); both parameres Lshaped, left paramere distinctly larger than right one (
Figs. 19–26
Description. Female.
COLORATION. Dorsum generally whitish yellow. Head dark brown or yellow with reddish vertex; antennal segment II entirely or mostly dark brown; pronotum with wide, transverse, reddish to dark brown band across calli; hemelytron semitransparent, more or less darkened along midline or with transverse reddish spot along apex of corium; legs uniformly yellow, apical part of hind femur and basal part of hind tibia slightly darkened or with reddish tinge (
Figs. 1–6
SURFACE AND VESTITURE. Dorsum shiny, smooth, hemelytron weakly rugose. Body with whitish simple setae, notably long, erect to semierect on head, pronotum and femora, shorter, semiadpressed elsewhere; tibial spines whitish to yellow, distinctly longer than diameter of tibia.
STRUCTURE. Body elongate, macropterous.
: Spherical, transverse, about 1.3 X as wide as high in frontal view, moderately protruded ventrally below eyes; frons convex, weakly protruded anterior to eyes and broadly rounded in dorsal view (
Figs 7, 8, 13
); clypeus ventrally oriented, basally delimited by slightly depressed epistomal suture; mandibular plate triangular; maxillary plate rectangular, slightly longer than high, distinctly elevated apically; eye large, hemispherical, about two-thirds height of head in lateral view; antennal fossa located well above ventral margin of eye; antennal segment I relatively short, slightly swollen; segment II long and thin; segments III and IV filiform; labium long and thin, reaching or slightly surpassing hind coxa.
: Pronotum with slightly sinuate anterior margin, weakly concave lateral margins and strongly excavate posterior margin; pronotal collar flat, distinctly wider than antennal segment I, posteriorly delimited by shallow but distinct sulcus; calli only slightly raised, medially not delimited, posteriorly demarcated by shallow impressed line; mesonotum broadly exposed; metathoracic spiracular opening elongate-oval, with distinct characteristic sculpture dorsally (
Figs. 9, 14
); metathoracic scent-gland evaporatory area large, triangular, with tongue-shaped, dorsally oriented peritreme (
Fig. 15
Semitransparent, long, with cuneus surpassing apex of abdomen; corium with almost straight costal margin, R+M vein well developed, almost reaching apex of corium, subparallel to costal vein; medial fracture not expressed; cuneus about twice as long as wide at base; membrane with two cells not reaching apex of cuneus.
: Long and thin, femora slightly flattened, hind femur almost reaching apex of abdomen; tibiae distinctly longer than respective femur; tarsus three-segmented, distinctly swollen apically, with all segments almost equal in length; unguitractor with two widely separated columns of lamellae (
Fig. 18
); claw abruptly bent in apical third (
Figs 11, 12
, 16,17), with dense claw setae on outer surface; inner surface of claw with large semicircular pulvillus equipped with pulvillar combs; parempodia asymmetrical, with outer parempodium slightly shorter than inner.
GENITALIA. Dorsal labiate plate membranous, with large, weakly sclerotized, bean-shaped sclerotized rings (
Figs. 31
35, 36
); lateral oviducts long; posterior wall with short, strongly sclerotized, claw-shaped sclerites at sides (
Fig. 32
); vulva membranous, without associated sclerites; vestibulum entirely membranous; first gonapophysis gradually tapering, finely serrate dorsally and ventrally (
Fig. 33
); second gonapophysis somewhat dilated subapically, with comparatively large and widely separated prongs dorsally (
Fig. 34
GENITALIA: Genital capsule about 30% of abdomen, well sclerotized, somewhat longer than wide, conical, broadly rounded apically, without additional processes (
Konstantinov et al. 2018
: fig. 10A); supragenital bridge absent; left paramere 1.5–2.0 X as long as right one, falciform, with gradually curved, flattened apical process and swollen body (
Figs. 19–26
); phallotheca membranous, with more or less sclerotized dorsal wall; endosoma subdivided into vesica and conjunctiva; vesica membranous, apically dentate or with large sclerotized appendage (
Figs. 27–30
Key to species
1 Corium with large transverse red spot along apical margin. Cuneus semitransparent, whitish, with narrowly reddish base and costal margin (
Figs. 1, 2
). Smaller, total length less than 3.1............................................
C. joceliae
- Corium with dark brown longitudinal stripe along inner margin, rarely uniformly whitish. Cuneus bright yellow, with dark red apical third (
Figs. 3–6
). Larger, total length more than 3.6..............................................
C. virgula