A review of the F. serena - subgroup of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), with the description of two new species from China Author Wang, Ming-Fu Author Zhang, Dong Author Xue, Wan-Qi text Zootaxa 2006 2006-03-30 1162 33 43 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.2645266 59870e66-a888-4d8a-8db8-b133dddfcf96 1175-5326 2645266 D81C68FA-ED20-4B8C-8C55-23C5BA618DD1 Fannia diploura Wang, Xue & Zhang sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–3 ) Type specimen: Holotype male, China : Xinjiang : Mt. Tianshan : North Slope , 1600 m , 11.vi.1960 , Coll. F.C. Zhang. Diagnosis: This new species can be easily differentiated from other species of the F . serena ­group by: frons about 1.5–2.0X wider than antennal first flagellomere, acr slightly stout, and cerci not cupuliform and fused, distinctly separated into two lobes. FIGURES 1–3. Fannia diploura Wang, Xue & Zhang sp. nov. (male holotype). 1. Terminalia, posterior view. 2. Terminalia, lateral view. 3. Sternite 5. Description: Male: Body length 3.8 mm. Eye bare; frons about 1.5–2.0X wider than antennal first flagellomere, fronto­orbital plate and parafacial with grayish white pruinosity, frontal setae 7–8, all stout, nearly reaching ocellar triangle; parafacial bare, the median part about 2/3 of first flagellomere width; antenna black, first flagellomere 1.5X longer than wide, arista ciliated, the longest hair shorter than the width of aristal base; epistoma not projecting to vibrissal angle, vibrissal angle behind frontal angle in profile; proboscis short, prementum slightly shiny, its length as long as its width, with thin pruinosity; palpus dark brown, claviform. Thorax ground­colour black, notum with densely grayish brown pruinosity, without longitudinal stripes; acr biserial, slightly stout, dc 2+3, ia 0+2, pra indistinct; notopleural setae 2; basisternum, proepisternum, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron bare; katepisternal setae 1:1, katepisternum without ventral spines; spiracles brown, the posterior one small; calypters yellowish, the lower one linear, not projecting to the upper one. Wing brownish; tegula blackish brown, basicosta brownish yellow, costal spine conspicuous; vein C with spinous rows, vein Sc not curving bow­like; node of Rs bare on ventral and dorsal surfaces; veins R 4+5 and M straight; crossveins without obvious cloud; haltere yellow. Fore leg black, fore femur with stout pv row, fore tibia without median p , with 1 stout apical d and 1 stout apical v , fore first tarsomere with 1 basal seta on ventral surface; mid and hind coxae black, mid coxa without any hooked spines or spine­like setae on lower and outer margins, hind coxa posteroventrally without seta, other parts lost. Abdomen long ovate, depressed and flattened, ground color black, with thin gray pollinosity, each tergite without distinct marks; sternite 1 bare, sternite 5 as broad as long, distinctly broadened apically, apex not indented, the setae scattered evenly over the surface; cerci distinctly separated into two lobes, without protuberance; surstyli in lateral view broadened and curved, narrowed basally and apically, with one seta on posterior margin on basal part, not separated into two branches. Female: Unknown. Remarks: This new species resembles Fannia similes but differs from it in having pra indistinct, frons about 1.5–2.0X wider than antennal first flagellomere, frontal setae 7–8, cerci distinctly separated into two lobes. The holotype and only known specimen of this species is deposited in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China . Discussion: There is no doubt that this new species belongs to the F . serena ­group, based on the reliable morphological characters of having hind coxa posteroventrally without setae and the lower calypter with a linear structure. It also differs from species of the mollissima and rondanii ­subgroups by abdomen not becoming narrow towards basal part (the widest part on posterior margin of syntergite 1+2), presutural acr biserial, and male cerci without paired appendent processes. As the holotype is without most parts of the mid and hind legs, it is difficult for us to determine whether it belongs to the F . serena or F . sociella­ subgroup. We consulted the detailed descriptions and figures of Chillcott (1961a) and studied the morphological characters and especially the male terminalia of all four known species of the F . sociella­ subgroup, and concluded that our specimen represents a new species. The new species can be easily separated from F . macaltinei Chillcott , F . ochrogaster (Thomson) and F . socielli (Zetterstedt) by male surstyli not separated into two branches. Although male surstyli of F . orniti (Meigen) are not separated, the strip­like cerci of this species are distinctly different from the cerci of F. diploura . Distribution: China : Xinjiang . Fannia eremna Chillcott, 1961 Fannia eremna Chillcott, 1961b : 89 . Distribution: China : Sichuan ( Type locality: Mt. Emei). Fannia latihamata Xue, Gao & Wang, 1996 Fannia latihamata Xue, Gao & Wang, 1996: 2303 –2304, figs. 4209. Specimens examined: Holotype male, China : Jilin : Mt. Changbai , 1600 m , 23.vii.1987 , Coll. L.Y. Gao. Distribution : China : Jilin (Type locality: Mt. Changbai ). Fannia montana Nishida, 1975 Fannia montana Nishida, 1975 : 376 . Distribution: China : Taiwan ( Type locality: Nantou County ).