New records of Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Himachal Pradesh, India Author Naik, Santhosh Author Shashank, P. R. Author Garg, Shivanshu text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2022 122 1 73 82 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v122/i1/2022/164748 2581-8686 13186181 Clepsis rurinana (Linnaeus, 1758) ( Figures 1, 6 , 11 , 16 ) 1789. Clepsis angulana Villers , ( Phalaena ( Tortrix )), C. Linnaei Ent. Faun. Suec. descr. 2 : 417. 1785. Clepsis angulosa “Geoffroy , in Fourcroy”, 1785 ( Phalaena ), Cen. Paris. 2 : 304. 1804. Clepsis avellana Panzer , ( Pyralis ), Syst. Nomen. Schaeffers: 124. 1919. Clepsis idana Kennel , ( Cacoecia ), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8 : 51. 1936. Clepsis liotoma Meyrick , ( Tortrix ), Exotic Microlepid. 5 : 60. 1761. Clepsis modeeriana Linnaeus , ( Phalaena ( Tortrix )), Fauna Svecica: 347. 1767. Clepsis moderiana Linnaeus , ( Phalaena ( Tortrix )), Systema Naturae (12th ed.): 880. 1957. Clepsis obscura Dufrane , ( Tortrix ), Bull. Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg. 33 (32): 7. 1845. Clepsis semialbana Guenee , ( Tortrix ), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 3 : 139. Type Locality: Europe ( Pathania et al., 2020 ). Material examined : INDIA : Himachal Pradesh : Palampur ( 32° 6’ 37.9512’’ N , 76° 32’ 10.4064’’ E , 1290m ), 1♂ , 10.viii.2018 , Light trap coll. Santhosh ; INDIA : Himachal Pradesh : Nauni ( 30.8625118°N , 77.1679151°E , 1300m ), 2♂ , 9.x.2018 , Light trap coll. Santhosh. Description: Well developed ocelli. Light yellowish brown rough scales on vertex and apex of frons. Labial palpi medium, porrect, covered by pale brown colored scales. Antennae long, filiform furnished with light brown scales and covered with short cilia. Thorax: Thorax yellowish brown. Three pairs of legs clothed with pale grayish scales. Legs whitish, outer side of tarsi of foreleg, midleg and outer spur of midleg dark brown. Wings: Forewing costal margin slightly convex having 17–20 mm wingspan in male. Male forewing with ground color pale brown, basal fascia covered with pale yellow scales, bordered with grayish scales. Subbasal interfascia and subbasal fascia without any markings. Median fascia comprised a band of dark brown scales running obliquely from coastal margin to the tornus bordered by light yellow line on both sides. Termen oblique and yellowish white. Subapical spot on costa formed by dark brown scales, extended below by 3-4 dark brown vertically oblique lines. In forewing all veins separate. R1 arises from middle of the discal cell. R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5 parallel to each other, Chorda weakly developed, R5 and M1 connate basally, M1 and M2 parallel to each other, M3 and CuA1 are arched downward basally and are parallel to each other, CuA2 is arises from basal median discal cell, CuP half the length of 1A+2A, 3A poorly developed.Hindwing 3/4th length clothed by dark gray scales and reaming portion i.e. apical margin light brown.Hindwing Sc + R1 fused, Rs and M1 joined basally diverge toward apex, M2, M3 and M4 connate basally, M2 and M3 subparallel to each other. Abdomen: Clothed with light brown scales and anal tuft grey-brown Male genitalia: Tegumen broad. Uncus strong, distinctly broadened at middle, tapering terminally and rounded apically. Socius small. Gnathos well developed, arm of gnathos strongly sclerotized, rounded apically and triangular at the base. Valva oblong, hairy, terminal portion with lobe. Sacculus narrow, slightly convex near base. Median part of labis broad and spined, terminal portion slender. Juxta is well developed, broad base and bilobed apically. Aedeagus thin, curved, basally rounded, with bunch of cornuti in vesica. Distribution: India ( Himachal Pradesh , Jammu & Kashmir). Elsewhere: China , Mongolia , Korea , Japan , Nepal , Afghanistan , Siberia and Europe ( Pathania et al., 2020 ). Remarks: The species Clepsis rurinana (Linnaeus, 1758) is closely similar to Clepsis laetornata (Li & Wang, 2003) , but distinguished in the male genitalia by narrow uncus with triangular apex (uncus is broad and socii well developed in C. laetornata ). Subrectangular, slender valva in C. rurinana but relatively broader in C. laetornata . Sclerotized broad aedeagus, with lateral subterminal denticle in C. rurinana while aedeagus much shorter and slender, without any lateral subterminal denticle in C. laetornata . Li and Wang (2003) reviewed genus Clepsis and related species from China . Ganai and Khan (2018) also discussed on this species from Jammu and Kashmir.