A synopsis of Meriania (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) in Peru Author Fernandez-Hilario, Robin 0000-0001-8234-9502 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531 - 970, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. & División de Ecología Vegetal - CORBIDI, Calle Santa Rita 105 Of. 2, Urb. Huertos de San Antonio Monterrico, Surco, Lima, Perú. & rfernandez @ corbidi. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8234 - 9502 rfernandez@corbidi.org Author Goldenberg, Renato 0000-0002-7047-6720 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531 - 970, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. & renato. goldenberg @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7047 - 6720 renato.goldenberg@gmail.com Author Michelangeli, Fabián A. 0000-0001-7348-143X Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531 - 970, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. & The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 104458 USA. & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531 - 970, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. & fabian @ nybg. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7348 - 143 X Corresponding author: rfernandez @ corbidi. org & Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa Postal 19031, CEP 81531 - 970, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. fabian@nybg.org text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-07-12 602 1 1 101 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.602.1.1 journal article 59213 10.11646/phytotaxa.602.1.1 ffb8865d-6e03-4274-b709-21b7cb9f94d8 1179-3163 8141984 24. Meriania sanguinea Wurdack , Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 16: 4 (1967). Type:— ECUADOR . Azuay : The eastern cordillera, 1–8 km north of the village of Sevilla de Oro , 2400–2700 m , 12 Jul - 12 Aug 1945 (fl.), W. Camp E-4620 ( holotype : US ! [barcode 00120387 ]; isotypes : COL ! [barcode COL000003291 ], GH ! [barcode 00072677 ], NY ! [barcode 00228976 ], U ! [barcode U0004073 ]) . ( Figures 53–54 ). Comments;— Meriania sanguinea belongs to the M. radula complex (see comments under M. radula for diagnostic characteristics) along with M. almedae , M. hirsuta , M. radula and M. tetragona . Although specimens of this species are usually misidentified as M. radula or M. tetragona ; M. sanguinea can be recognized from the other Peruvian species in the complex by its abaxial liguliform projections on the transition zone from the petiole to the midvein ( Fig. 53E ), while M. hirsuta has no projections, M. radula has small abaxial tuberculate projections and M. tetragona has abaxial tuberculate (rarely horn-shaped) projections. In addition, only M. sanguinea and M. tetragona have nodes with interpetiolar flaps ( Fig. 54A ) and both can be differentiated by their internodes (terete-quadrangular in M. sanguinea vs. quadrangular and winged in M. tetragona ). FIGURE 53. Meriania sanguinea . A. Terminal fertile branch with infructescence. B. Leaf blade, abaxial view. C. Detail of the adaxial leaf surface. D. Detail of the abaxial leaf surface. E. Detail of the abaxial projections of the petiole. F. Fruits. G. Petal. H. Stamen, lateral view. A, C–H. from R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1896 ; B from L. Cárdenas & R. Francis 855. FIGURE 54. Meriania sanguinea . A. Interpetiolar flap. B. Abaxial projections on the apex of the petiole. C. Detail of the inflorescence. D. Flower at anthesis, apical view. A–D from R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1896 . Photos by Robin Fernandez-Hilario. Some Peruvian species of Axinaea ( A. crassinoda , A. dependens and A. pendula ) are usually confused with M. sanguinea for sharing large inflorescences and campanulate, red corollas. However, these species of Axinaea can be differentiated by their pendulous inflorescences and 4-merous flowers (vs. erect inflorescences and 5-merous flowers in M. sanguinea¸ Fig. 54C–D ). In addition, no Peruvian species of Axinaea have abaxial projections on the transition zone from the petiole to the midvein (vs. liguliform projections in M. sanguinea ) and usually have pseudo-lateral inflorescences (vs. terminal). Distribution and phenology:— Meriania sanguinea is distributed from Colombia to Peru , and occurs from the department of Piura to Pasco in montane forests and elfin forests at 1900–3300 m ( Fig. 30 ). It has been collected in flower in almost every month except April, May, July, and September, and in fruit in January, February, March, May, and September. Specimens examined:— PERU . Amazonas : Prov. Chachapoyas, Dist. Leymebamba, Cordillera Yasgolga, east of peak, close to Refugio “Laurel”, 2789 m , 06°41’44”S , 77°41’24”W , 18 Jun 2009 (fl.), R . Bussmann et al. 15624 ( HUT !, MO !). Prov. Bongará , Dist. Florida , desde toma de agua en San Lorenzo hacia CP Vista Alegre, 2480 m , 05°48’42.83”S , 78°01’36.70”W , 17–18 Feb 2020 (fl., fr.), R . Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1896 ( HOXA !, MOLF !, NY !, UPCB !); Dist. Yambrasbamba , Colina cruzando la carretera al lado opuesto de la Estación Biológica Abra Patricia, 2360 m , 05°41’57.08”S , 77°48’33.83”W , 21 Feb 2020 (fl.), R . Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1933 ( MOLF !, UPCB !). Cajamarca : Prov. Jaén, alrededores laguna Corazón de San Miguel , Tabaconas, 3300 m , 02 Dec 2011 (fl.), L . García & Y . Tenorio 8361 ( HUT !). Prov. San Ignacio , Cerro Coyona, SN Tabaconas Namballe, 2700–2857 m , 05°16’31”S , 79°16’06”W , 21 Nov 1998 (fl.), J . Campos et al. 5816 ( NY !). Huánuco : Prov. Huánuco, Dist. Chinchao, Caserio San Pedro de Carpish. Alrededor del túnel de Carpish, 3011 m , 09°43’09”S , 76°05’43”W , 04 Feb 2002 (fl.), H . Beltrán & I . Salinas 5052 ( USM !), San Pedro de Carpish , 2770–2820 m , 09°43’14”S , 76°06’53”W , 01 May 2005 (fr.), I . Salinas 1003 ( USM !), San Pablo de Carpish y alrededores del túnel, 2660 m , 09°42’05.58”S , 76°04’56.28”W , 17– 18 Jan 2020 (fl., fr.), R . Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1847 ( HOXA !, MOLF !, NY !, UPCB !). Pasco : Prov. Oxapampa, Dist. Huancabamba, PN Yanachaga Chemillén, Sector San Daniel, entre la laguna San Daniel y pajonal al oeste de la laguna, 2375 m , 10°26’03.27”S , 75°27’26”W , 18 Feb 2018 (ster.), F . A . Michelangeli & S . Riva 2952 ( HOXA !, NY !, USM !), Dist. Oxapampa , PN Yanachaga Chemillén, Estación Biológica San Alberto , Abra Esperanza , 2903 m , 10°31’43”S , 75°21’17”W , 17 Feb 2012 (fl., fr.), R . Vásquez & L . Valenzuela 37768 ( HOXA !), Abra Esperanza , camino a la laguna, 2828 m , 10°32’52”S , 75°21’04”W , 10 Dec 2010 (fl.), E . Briceño & R . Rivera 494 ( NY !), Sector San Alberto. Camino hacia el ojo de agua, a 30 min del refugio, 2877 m , 10°31’45”S , 75°21’08”W , 13 Oct 2006 (fl.), L . Cárdenas & R . Francis 855 ( CUZ !, HOXA !, MO !, USM !), Sector San Alberto , en el Abra Esperanza y alrededores, 2780 m , 10°31’55”S , 75°20’59”W , 02 Oct 2007 (fl.), L . Hernani & A . Peña 355 ( HOXA !, NY !, USM !), Sector San Alberto , sendero entre Abra Esperanza y bosque esclerófilo, 2825 m , 10°31’51.3”S , 75°21’04.4”W , 21 Mar 2016 (fr.), F . A . Michelangeli et al. 2743 ( NY !, USM !). Piura : Prov. Huancabamba, Dist. El Carmen de la Frontera, Carretera Sapalache-Cerro Chingelas, 9.5 km despues de Sapalache, 3055 m , 05°08’23.6”S , 79°23’45.4”W , 03 Sep 2016 (fr.), F . A . Michelangeli et al. 2618 ( NY !, USM !); Dist. Rosario Alto , Cordillera de los Andes , 2125 m , 04°55.9’S , 79°18.7’W , 02 Aug 2004 (fl.), J . Campos et al. 10243 ( USM !). San Martín : Prov. Rioja, along road Rioja-Pedro Ruiz, El Mirador, 1900 m , 26 Mar 1998 (fl. bud), H . van der Werff et al. 15745 ( MO !) .