A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea) Author PLATNICK, NORMAN I. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-01-27 2000 245 1 328 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1206/0003-0090%282000%29245%3C0001%3AARAROT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5348675 Queenvic piccadilly , new species Figures 522–525 ; Map 59 TYPE: Female holotype taken at an elevation of 800 m at Piccadilly Circus , 358199S, 1488519E, Australian Capital Territory ( Jan. 16, 1970 ; R. Taylor ), deposited in QMB . ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. DIAGNOSIS: This seems to be the sister species of Q. goanna (see above); males can easily be distinguished by the flattened, distally angled retrolateral tibial apophysis (fig. 523), females by the more triangular epigynal hood and smaller epigynal pockets (fig. 524). MALE: Total length 2.7. Coloration as in Q. mackay except carapace with patches of white scales laterally on pars cephalica and on intercoxal areas of pars thoracica; abdominal dorsum with posterior stripes situated at about half of abdominal length; femora slightly darkened but legs otherwise unmarked. Leg spination typical for genus. Retrolateral tibial apophysis relatively long, uniformly wide, with distal portion flattened, angled (fig. 523); distal prong of conductor oriented transversely, close to relatively small subdistal prong (fig. 522). Figs. 522–525. Queenvic piccadilly , new species . 522. Left male palp, ventral view. 523. Same, retrolateral view. 524. Epigynum, ventral view. 525. Same, dorsal view. FEMALE: Total length 2.6. Coloration as in male. Leg spination typical for genus. Epigynal hood triangular, lateral pockets relatively small (fig. 524); anterior ducts oriented longitudinally, expanded anteriorly (fig. 525). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Australian Capital Territory : Black Mountain , 358169S, 1498069E, Aug. 7, 1970 , dry sclerophyll, elev. 620 m ( J. Summers , QMB ), 3?, 2/, July 10, 1976 , dry sclerophyll ( T. Weir , QMB ), 1/, Dec. 1983 Jan. 1984 , pitfalls (R. Moran , QMB ), 1?, 1 /; 0.8 km N Black Mountain peak, 358169S, 1498069E, June 17, 1970 , Berlese , dry sclerophyll, elev. 620 m ( J. Simmons , QMB ), 2 ?; Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve , 358289S, 1488529E, Mar. 9, 1978 , pitfall , litter (P. Ormay , AMS KS13949 ), 1 ?; Wombat Creek , 6 km NE Piccadilly Circus , 358199S, 1488519E, Feb. 1984 , elev. 750 m ( T. Weir , J. Lawrence , Johnson , QMB ), 3?. New South Wales : Bondi State Forest , S Bombala , 378089S, 1498099E, Oct. 15–Nov. 14, 1980 , eucalypt litter ( G. Gowing , AMS KS11168 , 11911 ), 1?, 1 /; Dodds Fire Trail , 1 km from Enfield Road , Enfield State Forest , 318239S, 1518539E, Feb. 4–Apr. 9, 1993 , pitfall , elev. 1050 m (M. Gray , G. Cassis , AMS KS37375 ), 1 ?; Mummel Forest Road , 8.8 km N junction with Enfield Forest Road , Enfield State Forest , 318169S, 1518509E, Feb. 4–Apr. 9, 1993 , pitfall , elev. 1350 m ( M. Gray , G. Cassis , AMS KS37364 ), 3?. South Australia : lagoon edge, Gum Lagoon Conservation Park , 368189S, 1408029E, Mar. 26, 1992 , vibration ( D. Hirst , SAM N1997 /86), 1 ?; northern lagoon, Gum Lagoon Conservation Park , 368179S, 1408019E, Mar. 25, 1992 , vibration ( D. Hirst , J. Forrest , SAM N1997 /87), 1/. Victoria : Rich­Murrungowar Coupe , 378349S, 1488389E, Oct. 29–Nov. 6, 1991 , pitfall , gully (R. Coy , NMV K3537 ), 1/, Mar. 18–25, 1992 , pitfall , midslope ( R. Coy , NMV K3527 ), 1?. Map 59. Records of Queenvic piccadilly , new species (triangles) and Prionosternum scutatum Dunn (circles). DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern Australia , except Tasmania (map 59).