A catalogue of the types of Platygastridae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, with brief notes on the history of the collection Author Notton, David G. text Zootaxa 2010 2358 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275686 ef953f73-414f-4e8a-83a7-7ec993cb2bcf 1175-5326 275686 Platygaster pauliani Risbec, 1953 : 334 , figs 17, 26–28. Current status. Platygaster pauliani Syntypes 6 ƤƤ; 3, Madagascar , Manjakatompo (MNHN); syntypes 43 ƤƤ; 4 3, Madagascar , Manjakatompo (lost); syntype 3, Madagascar , Tsinjoarivo (MNHN); syntype Ƥ, Madagascar , Mantasoa (MNHN); syntype 3, Madagascar , forest north of Anisobe (lost). Labels. Elevage du 25. 5. 50 / Eclos le 20–7–50 / No. G62/ P/ galles de nervure/ de Veronica appen-/ diculata de/ Manjakatompo/ m ent{illeg.} (R. P.); Platygaster / Pauliani / Risbec/ T. [ syntypes 6 ƤƤ; 3]. Elevage du 26–5–50 / Eclos le 1–3–50 / No. G92/ P. galle de tiges de/ Macaranga - Hilde-/ brandti de/ Tsinjoarive (R. P.); Platygaster / Pauliani / Risbec/ T. [ syntype 3]. Elevage du 14–4–50 / Eclos le 17–4–50 / No. 732/ P. de la galle de la/ branche d’Aphloia/ theaeformis de/ Mantasa (R. P.); Platygaster / Pauliani / Risbec/ T. [ syntype Ƥ]. Remarks. Nine syntypes were located in the MNHN. The female syntype labelled as No. 732 is given as No. 723 in Risbec’s description, but this must be a typographical error since it agrees in all other aspects of the description and collection data. Three further specimens each mounted on a glass slide, labelled as Platygaster pauliani in Risbec’s hand and also marked with a red ‘T’, presumably indicating a type , are not types since the label data differ greatly from those listed by Risbec in the original description. The nine syntypes are dry-mounted on three microscope slides, the cover slip fixed with paraffin wax. The forty-eight other type specimens mentioned by Risbec were not seen, they may be in the MRAC.